How much should a 5 year old baby weigh?

How much weight a 5-year-old child usually weighs is often concerned by parents to assess the child's development. Because weight is considered as one of the indicators to help assess the development of both physical and intellectual. In case, this indicator does not meet the standard that parents can recognize and find measures to improve the child's condition.

1. The development process of 5-year-old children

The physical development of a 5-year-old child is shown through the ability to walk, run and jump, he can also move at a fast speed and coordinate with many flexible and difficult operations. At this stage, children are active often quite good for their development.
According to statistics of the World Health Organization WHO on the weight norms of children in different ages. Accordingly, the weight of a 5-year-old girl: 18.2 kg, the weight of a 5-year-old boy: 18.3 kg. During the first years of a child's life, height and weight grow very rapidly. Because this is the time when children need a constant source of nutrients. However, by the time the child is 5 years old, the child's development process starts to slow down and each year the average height of the child increases from 6cm to 7cm and the weight of the child also increases from 2kg to 3cm on average. kg.
During this period, the child's fine and gross motor skills are gradually perfected. Therefore, children need to meet all the criteria for the best physical development. In addition to physical development, at this stage 5-year-olds are also developing emotionally and socially. Children begin to know how to best control and regulate their emotions. Not only that, children are also very excited about social activities such as children want to make friends with their peers or children want to receive positive feedback from adults... Although, children at this time no longer has the crises of age 3 but sometimes children still have outbursts of negative emotions with things they are not satisfied with. At that time, the child can be very narcissistic or in a sad mood ... At this time, parents should pay attention to the child's feelings so that they can guide the child and help the child feel satisfied with what the child wants. want. Moreover, this age is also considered as the time when children begin to speak their own feelings, as well as their views. If children want to confide and share, parents should encourage and accompany the child so that the child feels the care from the outside.
5-year-olds also begin to know the difference between right and wrong, they even understand the basic principles and at the same time want to follow them to be able to please their parents. In addition, 5-year-old children also have a lot of questions or curiosity about the world around them. Children can be very eager to explore or learn new things around them. Therefore, parents will find that the child is always ready to take apart all the objects and toys of the child to find out the inner workings. When children develop to this stage, they also know how to express their needs and desires verbally. Children's language is also gradually becoming easier to understand.
Bé 5 tuổi nặng bao nhiêu cân là vừa?
Bé 5 tuổi nặng bao nhiêu cân là thắc mắc của nhiều bậc cha mẹ

2. Some ways to help children gain weight and develop comprehensively

How much does a 5 year old child weigh? The answer to this question requires a combination of activities that can help your child get to the right weight. However, in order to do this, parents need to pay attention to follow the following methods:
Take care of proper nutrition and reach the target according to the standards recommended by the World Health Organization. To do this, parents must first know how to stimulate the child's taste so that the child can eat more deliciously such as: supplementing the child with adequate micronutrients, zinc, B vitamins, iron, or lysine. ... helps to stimulate children's taste buds, making them feel good when they eat and eat more. Foods rich in these nutrients include: beef, seafood, chicken, green beans, dark green leafy vegetables, brown rice, fresh milk, egg yolks, sea fish... Parents should Eat smaller meals for better absorption of nutrients. Moreover, in order to help children gain weight, parents should give their children a lot of vitamins from fruits and vegetables. When implementing a child's diet, in addition to ensuring 3 main meals with adequate food content, it is necessary to divide according to nutrient groups. In addition, parents should prepare children 2 to 3 snacks per day with yogurt, fruit, fresh milk.... so that the child is fully supplemented with nutrients for the development process. In order to help children gain weight well, parents should supplement their children's diet with milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, powdered milk... Milk is not only a nutritious food but also a nutritious food. It is also very easy to digest and suitable for children because the nutritional composition is quite balanced and reasonable. Milk not only provides a rich source of protein, but also provides a large amount of calcium to help develop strong bones and teeth. Water plays an important role in the body's metabolism. When children meet enough water needs, it will increase metabolism and help prevent constipation or partially overcome children who eat slowly and children do not gain weight. Creating conditions for children to be fully active helps to increase metabolism while building a strong musculoskeletal system for children. Children should be encouraged by their parents to be active with sports such as swimming, cycling, walking... And the time to do this activity a day needs from 30 to 45 minutes to help children expend energy. and actively recharge better. Parents should periodically deworm their children so that the digestive system works well and balance, helping to absorb nutrients to meet the needs of the child's development. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Health, children including children 5 years old should be cleaned every 6 months.

In summary, to ensure the development of 5-year-old children within the standard level and to help them develop well, parents should provide children with a scientific nutrition regimen. When building a menu for children, parents need to pay attention to the number of meals per day and the nutritional amount of food to balance it appropriately.
Parents should supplement their children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their child's nutritional needs. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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