What to eat and drink when having a sore throat?

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Sore throat is a common symptom every day with many different causes. Sore throat often interferes with eating because it causes pain and discomfort when the patient swallows and eats. So what to eat and drink when you have a sore throat?

1. Overview of sore throat

Sore throat is a feeling of pain, itching or discomfort in the throat area, which increases when swallowing. The most common cause of a sore throat is a viral infection like the flu. A sore throat caused by a virus usually goes away on its own within a few days.
If the sore throat is caused by bacteria, usually from the Streptococcus group, less common but more severe. People with sore throats caused by bacteria often need to be treated with antibiotics to prevent complications. The case of pharyngitis caused by multiple pathogens is rarer and requires a combination of different treatment measures.
When you have a sore throat, the feeling of discomfort and burning makes the patient feel that they do not eat well, even do not want to eat. Therefore, the question of what to eat with a sore throat and what not to eat with a sore throat is always a top question. This article will provide information on what foods and drinks to use when you have a sore throat, as well as what foods to limit.

Trắc nghiệm dành riêng cho người mắc đái tháo đường: Chế độ ăn của bạn đã hợp lý chưa?

Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường cần phải quan tâm nhiều hơn đến cách tính toán khẩu phần ăn sao cho phù hợp với nhu cầu và tình trạng sức khỏe. Nếu chưa rõ, bạn có thể tìm hiểu kỹ hơn thông qua bài trắc nghiệm ngắn sau đây.

2. Signs of a sore throat

The symptoms of a sore throat are quite varied and vary depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms may include:
Pain and itching sensation in the throat area Pain that gets worse when swallowing or talking Difficulty swallowing Swelling of glands in the neck or chin area Red swelling of the tongue White patches in the mouth oropharyngeal area Change of voice, hoarseness Sore throat due to infection may appear with other signs and symptoms such as: High fever, cough, runny nose, sneezing, body aches, headache, sadness vomiting, vomiting
If sore throat symptoms do not improve on their own, the patient should see a doctor. Most sore throats occur after a viral infection like the flu or a bacterial infection like strep throat. If the causative agent is bacteria, your doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic. Antibiotics are not effective in cases of viral pharyngitis.
Sore throat can also be caused by environmental factors such as drinking ice for a sore throat, seasonal allergies, breathing in cigarette smoke or living in an environment with low humidity. People who have a habit of snoring may also experience a sore throat.
People with sore throat should see a doctor when symptoms worsen and the patient develops the following symptoms:
Fatigue, lethargy Difficulty swallowing or breathing High fever Red rash on skin Swollen lymph nodes Joint pain and inexplicable muscles. People with a sore throat should also see a doctor if symptoms persist for more than a week. Your doctor will order tests to rule out and distinguish between different causes.

Người bị đau họng kéo dài nên đến gặp bác sĩ để khám chữa kịp thời
Người bị đau họng kéo dài nên đến gặp bác sĩ để khám chữa kịp thời

3. Who is prone to sore throat?

Anyone can get a sore throat, but certain factors increase the risk:
Age: Children are at higher risk of getting a sore throat than adults. In fact, children between the ages of 3 and 15 are quite likely to get strep throat. This is the most common bacterial cause of sore throat. Secondhand smoke exposure: Smoking or inhaling secondhand smoke can irritate the throat area. Tobacco use also increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, and vocal cords. Allergies: Seasonal allergies or an allergic reaction to dust, house mites, or animal dander can cause a sore throat. Chemical exposure: molecules from fuel combustion and from household chemicals present in the air can irritate the lining of the throat. Chronic sinusitis: Inflammatory secretions from the nose can irritate the throat and spread inflammation. In crowded places: viruses and bacteria that cause disease are easily spread in places with large crowds such as schools, airports, offices Weak immune system: when the immune system does not work well, the body is at risk higher chance of getting sick. Common causes of immunodeficiency are HIV, diabetes, steroid use or chemotherapy, stress, fatigue, and poor diet.

4. Sore throat should eat what?

Soft and easy-to-swallow foods are often preferred in people with sore throats. The soft texture of the food does not cause much irritation to the pharyngeal mucosa during swallowing. Warm foods and drinks also help soothe the throat.

Thức ăn và đồ uống nóng ấm giúp họng dễ chịu hơn
Thức ăn và đồ uống nóng ấm giúp họng dễ chịu hơn

Some foods that people with sore throat are advised to choose include:
Cooked pasta, should be eaten while still hot Cereal flour, oats mixed with milk or warm water Desserts made from gelatin Yogurt, can be served with chopped fruit Cooked greens Soft fresh fruit Mashed potatoes Creamy soup Milk Juice, preferably less acidic fruits such as apple juice, grape juice Eggs Cooked eggs such as hard-boiled, steamed eggs Adding these foods to the diet plays a role in ensuring adequate nutrition without irritating or damaging the patient's sore throat.

5. Sore throat should not eat?

People with sore throat should not eat foods that irritate the lining of the throat or make it difficult to swallow, including:
Hard biscuits Crispy bread Spicy or spicy sauces Carbonated soft drinks Coffee Alcohol Bach snacks Dried Popcorn Raw vegetables Acidic fruits like oranges, lemons, tomatoes

Những người bị đau họng không nên ăn những loại thực phẩm gây kích thích niêm mạc họng
Những người bị đau họng không nên ăn những loại thực phẩm gây kích thích niêm mạc họng

In some people, foods made with dairy can stimulate and increase mucus production. This makes the patient regularly clean to clean the pharynx, causing a more severe sore throat.

6. Treatments for sore throat

The simplest and cheapest way to relieve a sore throat is to gargle with diluted salt water. The recipe for making salt water mouthwash follows the ratio 150 mg of salt: 250ml of warm water. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Then, use this solution to rinse your mouth. Patients should note that they should not swallow, instead need to spit out. You should repeat the gargling movement several times for maximum effectiveness.
Some herbs are also used to treat sore throats. Herbal throat sprays or droppers containing licorice root or honeysuckle may provide some relief. However, before using these methods of treatment, patients need to be sure of the knowledge related to:
Undesirable effects Possibility of allergies Interactions with other drugs Interactions between herbal ingredients different medicines If you are unsure about how to use them, you should consult your doctor. This is especially important if the person is pregnant or suspected to be. Some herbal ingredients are not safe during pregnancy.
People with sore throat can also use over-the-counter medicines to reduce discomfort. Throat lozenges, which can be bought easily at drugstores, not only relieve the pain of a sore throat, but also have a pleasant taste.

Người bệnh có thể sử dụng các loại viên ngậm hoặc thuốc giảm đau không cần kê đơn
Người bệnh có thể sử dụng các loại viên ngậm hoặc thuốc giảm đau không cần kê đơn

Acetaminophen or paracetamol is a mild pain reliever that patients can use on their own. This medicine works to soothe a sore throat. Before using the medicine, the patient should carefully read the instructions for use written on the medicine box to ensure that the recommended dose is taken.
If you have tried the above measures but the feeling of sore throat continues, the patient should seek medical attention for examination and advice. The doctor may have to prescribe medication and schedule follow-up visits to resolve the patient's sore throat.

7. Measures to prevent sore throat

The best way to prevent sore throat is to stay away from pathogens and establish good hygiene habits. Some effective measures in preventing sore throat can be listed below:
Wash your hands often, especially after using the toilet, before eating and after sneezing, after coughing. Avoid sharing food, drinking glasses and other personal items Use tissues when coughing and sneezing. When necessary, you can sneeze into your elbow. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer as an alternative when soap and water are not available. Avoid touching public phones with your hands Do not drink water directly by mouth from faucets Regularly clean phones, televisions, computer keyboards with cleaning solution. When traveling, pay attention to cleaning the phone and TV remote in the hotel room. Avoid close contact with the sick person. Diet plays a very important role in the treatment of sore throat, sore throat. However, if the sore throat lasts for a long time, you should go to the medical center for examination and treatment, to avoid the serious and dangerous development of the disease.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a general hospital that has the function of examining and treating ENT diseases such as sinusitis, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis, and pain. throat, tinnitus and many other diseases. At Vinmec, we have also performed endoscopic diagnosis and treatment with modern medical methods for ear, nose and throat diseases, which not only brings high efficiency but also minimizes complications of recurrent disease. The great success is because Vinmec is always fully equipped with modern facilities, examination and treatment procedures are carried out by a team of experienced and qualified doctors that will bring about treatment results. optimal for customers.

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Reference source: mayoclinic.org
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