Diet for heart disease: Effects of alcohol, calcium

Unhealthy diet can also be one of the risk factors that contribute to heart disease. Paying attention to what you eat and consuming a variety of healthy foods from the five food groups is one of the most important metabolic heart disease preventions you can take.

1. Heart disease characteristics and heart disease diet

Although there is no single cause of heart disease . Many people may have been told by their doctors that they are at risk of cardiovascular disease due to the lifestyle, eating, exercise habits and history of cardiovascular disease of family members.
Today, heart disease or heart-related diseases are gradually becoming common all over the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for people in this country. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in countries around the world, accounting for 11% of all deaths from heart disease. However, changing lifestyle habits can help prevent heart disease. Eating habits can be difficult to change. You may worry that if you just start now, nothing will change. But with this notion is completely wrong. Even small changes can make a big difference in your quality of life.
Once you know which foods are best for your heart, eating healthy becomes simpler. A heart-healthy diet includes a variety of nutritious foods, some of which you may already like. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people at high risk for heart-related diseases eat the following to promote their long-term heart health:
Fruits Vegetables Whole grains Legumes Low-fat dairy products Poultry Fish Nuts The American Heart Association also recommends that people at high risk for cardiovascular disease limit their intake of red meat and other foods and beverages. have sugar. In addition, this unit also recommends that people apply some of the following habits in life as well as food processing:
Choosing lean meat means completely removing the skin and processing them without adding fat saturated and trans fats. Eat fish at least twice a week. Oily fish contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce the risk of heart disease. Choose only 1 percent fat and low-fat dairy products. Cut down on drinks and foods that contain sugar. Choose and prepare foods with little or no salt. Limit alcohol and stimulants as much as possible. Regularly monitor your portion sizes. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, tubers and fruits. In addition to these general guidelines, there are several important areas to understand when it comes to nutrition and your heart.
Chế độ ăn kiêng cho bệnh tim: Ảnh hưởng của rượu, canxi
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2. Effects of Alcohol and Heart Disease

The American Heart Association's recommendation for alcohol is to drink in moderation if you're a drinker. For men, this can mean no more than two drinks per day. Moderate drinking women mean no more than one drink per day. Depending on the type of alcoholic beverage such as beer or wine, this limit may vary. However, for people who are at high risk of cardiovascular diseases, alcohol, beer and stimulants should be kept to a minimum.
American Heart Association experts also emphasize that the relationship between alcohol and heart disease is complex. Researchers have found a link between heavy drinking and health risks, including alcoholism, obesity, and breast cancer. Some studies have shown that we can completely reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases if we drink alcohol in moderation.
However, despite the benefits of alcohol, the American Heart Association does not recommend drinking alcohol to reduce cardiovascular risk. Use safer and healthier practices like controlling your weight, exercising regularly, lowering cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure to lower your risk. Drinking alcohol can lead to increased calorie intake. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to sudden death from heart disease. Your doctor can help you evaluate the risks and benefits associated with drinking alcohol.

3. Effects of calcium and heart disease

Like alcohol, the link between calcium and cardiovascular disease is still not clear by scientists. The American Heart Association stresses that there isn't enough information to determine if calcium intake affects heart disease risk. However, eating fat-free and low-fat dairy products, along with four to five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, will significantly reduce blood pressure readings. The association's experts also emphasized the importance of calcium for women especially eating fat-free and low-fat dairy products. Most women should aim to consume between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams of calcium per day.
Mayo Clinic notes that some men may also benefit from calcium supplements. Men over 50 should consume between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams per day and 1,000 to 2,500 milligrams per day for men under 50.
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4. Effects of sugar on the heart

The American Heart Association also notes that the rise in overweight, obesity and cardiovascular disease has raised concerns about consuming more sugar in the typical American diet. Their statement concluded that people should follow certain guidelines to reduce cardiovascular risk while maintaining a healthy weight and meeting nutritional needs. Women should consume no more than 100 calories per day from added sugars. Men should consume no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars. This maximum amount of added sugar is 6 teaspoons, or 24 grams for women, and about 9 teaspoons, or 36 grams, of added sugars for men. Major sources of added sugar include:
Soft drinks Candy Cakes Pies Fruit drinks Dairy desserts like ice cream Sweet yogurt Sweet cereals, such as waffles and oatmeal

5. Effects of caffeine on the heart

Caffeine is a stimulant. Caffeine can be found in many foods and beverages, including:
Coffee Tea Soft drinks Chocolate Scientists have yet to determine whether high caffeine intake increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially especially coronary heart disease or not.
The Mayo Clinic notes that while studies have found no definite link between drinking coffee and an increased risk of heart disease, research does suggest possible risks. Studies show that high consumption of unfiltered coffee is associated with a slight increase in cholesterol levels.
Eating a healthy, low-fat diet and adding the following foods can improve your heart health:
Fruits Vegetables Lean protein Legumes Grains Take your time Take time and effort to change your eating habits for a healthy heart in particular and general health in general.
Diet is an important risk factor in cardiovascular disease in general and coronary heart disease in particular. Food-related risk factors include obesity, high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes, and a diet high in saturated fat. A diet low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and high in plant foods can significantly reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

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