Catfish: Nutrients, health benefits

Catfish is one of the most popular freshwater fish. This is a food with high nutritional value, in addition, many people also use this dish to make medicine to support healing.

1. Is it good to eat catfish?

A 100-gram serving of fresh catfish provides
Calories: 105 Fat: 2.9 grams Protein: 18 grams Sodium: 50 mg Vitamin B12: 121% Daily Value (DV) Selenium: 26% of DV Phosphorus: 24% of DV Thiamine: 15% of DV Potassium: 19% DV Cholesterol : 24% DV Omega-3 fatty acids: 237 mg Omega-6 fatty acids: 337 mg In addition to being low in calories and sodium, catfish is high in protein. , healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
Cá trê
Cá trê chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết cho người sử dụng

2. Health benefits of catfish

Catfish is a good source of nutrients, low in calories. In fact, it may provide a number of benefits.
2.1 Lean Protein Protein is one of the main sources of energy in the diet. It is also responsible for building and repairing tissue and muscle, as well as playing a role in building many hormones, enzymes, and other molecules.
One 100-gram catfish provides 39% of the daily protein requirement. Nutrient-rich protein sources from catfish may aid weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness.
2.2 Rich in omega-3 fatty acids Catfish provide more omega-3 fatty acids than other foods, they may even help treat neurological and mental conditions, including dementia, disorders attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression.
2.3 Provide a Good Source of Vitamin B12 A 100-gram serving of catfish provides 121% of the daily requirement for vitamin B12, which helps improve mental health, protect against heart disease, and prevent and treat it. anemia.
Cá trê
Cá trê là một nguồn dinh dưỡng tốt nếu sử dụng khoa học

3. Nutrition in wild-caught and farmed catfish

Farmed catfish are usually fed a high protein diet; Includes: Grains such as soybeans, corn and wheat. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, and even probiotics are regularly added to their food.
Catfish in the wild are bottom-dwelling fish, they eat foods such as algae, aquatic plants, fish eggs and sometimes other fish.
In an adult cultured catfish with the highest amino acid content, fatty acid levels vary. And wild catfish contains more linoleic acid but less eicosanoic acid than farmed fish.
Catfish is low in calories and packed with lean protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. It is especially rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats and vitamin B12. Catfish can be a healthy addition to any meal, although deep-frying adds far more calories and fat than dry heat cooking methods like grilling or broiling.

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