How to deal with misaligned teeth?

The article is professionally consulted by Doctor of Dentistry - Maxillofacial - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Misaligned teeth is a condition in which the teeth are not aligned due to the small jaw compared to the teeth, or due to external influences such as tooth decay, gingivitis... causing aesthetic loss and affecting the chewing function of the teeth.

1. Why are teeth misaligned?

When the baby teeth are loose and about to break, the permanent teeth are about to erupt. In some cases, baby teeth have been broken for a long time but the permanent teeth have not yet erupted, causing a shortage of teeth. However, there are also many cases where the permanent teeth have erupted but the baby teeth have not fallen out, causing the permanent teeth to lack space to develop. develop normally.
This is the main cause of crooked teeth, which can also explain why many people have crooked teeth. Too many misaligned teeth not only make us lack confidence when communicating, but also affect chewing function and dental care.

2. Methods of treating misaligned teeth

When teeth are misaligned, you can completely intervene with medical measures without causing pain or damage.
Porcelain crowns In addition to braces for a long time, porcelain crowns are also a solution for people with misaligned teeth, especially incisors. With today's dental crown technology, you can be assured of a healthy and beautiful teeth. With this method, the implementation time is much faster than braces, it only takes 2 to 4 days for you to have a satisfactory set of teeth.
When performing this measure, the doctor will first have to remove a part of the tooth tissue on the outside of the misaligned teeth to create space for the porcelain crown. Besides, it is also necessary to adjust and position the position of the teeth to make them straight and beautiful compared to other teeth in the jaw.
The advantage of the porcelain crown method is the speed, convenience and beauty of new teeth. Crowns to make porcelain teeth have a very natural sprinkle color and are selected to harmonize with other teeth of the jaw, so you do not need to worry about the teeth having different colors unevenly. Porcelain teeth also have a fairly long time of use, averaging about 10-15 years or more. And more specifically, this method does not need to remove teeth.
See more: Cosmetic porcelain crown package

Răng mọc lệch xử lý cách nào?
Xử lý răng mọc lệch

Orthodontic surgery Orthodontic treatment of misaligned teeth is a medical intervention solution to help restore severely misaligned teeth. Usually, these cases cannot be braces or porcelain crowns.
This method requires the doctor to cut off a piece of bone and also the tooth in the position of misalignment or correction, then proceed to bring the tooth to a reasonable position and then fix it with a screw brace. After the surgery, you will have a beautiful set of teeth.
Orthopedic surgery method is an aesthetic and highly technical method. When performing surgery, it is necessary to intervene in the bones and jaws, so the surgeon needs to have extensive experience and expertise. Therefore, when choosing to perform this method, you should choose reputable and quality facilities with a team of highly qualified and technical doctors.
Braces with metal braces Braces are the most popular solution to overcome misaligned teeth. This is a method based on mechanical rotation, people will borrow the traction of orthodontic appliances to pull the teeth back to the correct position. Of course, this will not happen overnight, correcting misaligned teeth by braces requires a long time to apply force to be able to affect the jaw and teeth of the braces person.
This method is very commonly used for people who have crooked or broken front teeth. The traction of the appliance for a long time will help the front teeth align evenly with the remaining teeth. Normally, it takes about 12-24 months for braces to grow misaligned, but severe cases can require braces up to 36 months.
Braces method is the simplest and most popular method on the market today. Not only because of its simplicity, it does not involve surgery or correction, but this method is also favored by its reasonable and affordable price.

Răng mọc lệch xử lý cách nào?
Niềng răng mọc lệch

Vinmec Times City International Hospital now has a new generation of orthodontic braces applied to cases of misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, wide teeth, protrusion, underbite, malocclusion, etc. the face has lost its aesthetic appearance, helping to adjust and regain the aesthetics of the teeth, smile and face by orthodontic treatment.
The advantages of the new generation of braces include:
Metal braces are an orthodontic method thanks to the force of the brackets to bring the teeth into the desired position, by the metal bracket. Stable, but the time of braces with this type of bracket is shortened compared to other types of brackets. The treatment with metal braces is not too complicated like lingual braces or porcelain braces, plus the cost-effective treatment are the outstanding advantages of this type of braces. In addition, metal braces also bring high orthodontic efficiency, time is shortened to the maximum and is easy to replace when falling off. With a team of highly qualified specialists with many years of experience, the new generation of orthodontic braces can help you overcome crowded teeth and bring a bright smile with your teeth. as the.
Doctor Hien has 12 years in the field of Odonto-Stomatology, especially has a lot of experience in the treatment of dental pathology, orthodontics and dental prosthetics. Dr. Hien was trained in dental Implant at Hanoi Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital, participated in many seminars from domestic and foreign experts. Currently working as a Doctor of Dentistry - Jaw - Facial Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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