How contagious is pink eye?

The article was professionally consulted by an eye doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is an infection of the eye caused by a bacteria or virus, or it can be caused by an allergic reaction with the characteristic symptom of red eyes. Pink eye is a very contagious disease, so it is important to know how to take care of your eyes to avoid infecting others.

1. What is pink eye?

Pink eye is an eye infection caused by bacteria and viruses. People with pink eye will often experience symptoms such as mild to severe redness. It will affect one eye at first, then it can spread to the other eye. This is a very contagious disease that is also very contagious.
People with pink eye disease will initially have a burning sensation in the eyes, eyestrain, blurred vision, swollen eyelids and watery eyes. Symptoms appear early such as red eyes, discharge. Usually, the patient will have pain in one eye, then it will spread to the other eye.
People with mild disease will only have the following characteristic signs: red eyes, watery eyes, itching, the patient's vision is not affected... However, if the disease is severe, the patient may have eye edema. red eye, there is a membrane in the eye (also known as pseudomembranous)
Because of the high risk of spreading, pink eye disease needs to be diagnosed and treated promptly.

2. Causes of red eyes

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The cause of pink eye is mainly caused by the Adenovirus virus, or bacteria. In addition, factors such as polluted environment, poor living conditions, polluted domestic water sources, shared living utensils... also create favorable conditions for the disease to develop and easily flare up. translated into translation.
Viral pinkeye: Adenovirus and herpesvirus are common viruses that cause pink eye. A respiratory infection or cold, sore throat can also cause pinkeye. Bacterial pink eye: Bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus pneumonia... are all causes of pink eye. The subjects most susceptible to bacterial pink eye are school-age children. Allergic pink eye: you may be allergic to dust, pollen or animal dander... Other substances such as chlorine in swimming pools, cosmetics... can also cause pinkeye Disease It is often seen in the changing seasons, this is the time when the human body is easily fatigued, the immune system is weakened, so it is easy to get sick.

3. How is pink eye contagious?

Pink eye is a contagious disease that easily spreads into an epidemic. This is a common disease, seen in many ages and has an increase when the weather changes seasons. A person can experience pink eye more than once. The disease can be spread through direct or indirect contact with eye discharge from an infected person. Therefore, environments such as offices, classrooms or public places make the disease spread more widely.
Pink eye can be spread from one person to another through the following ways:
Due to direct contact with infected people through tears, eye fluids .... By touching contaminated objects such as holding hands. doors, controls, keys, ...or maybe from sharing personal household items such as towels, brushes, pillows... Due to contaminated drinking water Due to the habit of touching the nose, When a person with pink eye talks or sneezes, the virus will follow the saliva to pass from the sick person to the healthy person. In public places, where there is a high density of people, the disease is more easily spread and outbreaks into an epidemic. Note: absolutely do not use other people's eye drops to use, do not use betel leaves to cover the painful eye area or oral remedies that do not have a scientific basis for treatment because they can make the disease worse. heavier.
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4. How to prevent pink eye disease

Clean personal hygiene and often wash hands with soap and clean water Do not share personal items such as towels, washbasins... Utensils need to be washed, dried in the sun Do not rub your eyes If you are pregnant If you have an epidemic, you should not go swimming Do not share eye drops, even those who are suffering from pink eye In addition, when you have pink eye, you should note:
Use physiological saline to wash your eyes daily Medicine Eye drops and utensils of sick people should not be shared. Contact with sick people should be limited. Go to medical facilities for early examination and treatment. Do not use contaminated water. Let your eyes relax, rest to avoid overworking your eyes when you have pink eye. Do not eat hot spicy food during the illness. Do not buy medicine to treat yourself. Although pink eye is a contagious disease, it is a benign disease. However, in some cases, if the disease is left for a long time, it will cause complications affecting vision. Therefore, the best way is that everyone should be aware of disease prevention and go to medical facilities for timely diagnosis and treatment when sick.

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