What to do when you have a sore throat, tinnitus, headache?

The article was professionally consulted by Dr. CCII Nguyen Van Thai - Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. Thai doctor has more than 17 years of treatment experience, especially in the field of Head and Neck Surgery.
The phenomenon of sore throat causing tinnitus, headache does not pose too much danger to health. However, if the patient is not treated early, it can cause the condition to persist, become chronic, difficult to cure or become dangerous oropharyngeal cancer.

1. Causes of sore throat, tinnitus, headache

Sore throat, tinnitus, headache can be caused by many different causes. The most typical is due to a number of diseases such as pharyngitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis,... Usually originating from acute pharyngitis.
Acute pharyngitis is common in seasonal weather, may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi with seeds that attack and cause inflammation of the throat mucosa. Pharyngitis causes discomfort and inconvenience for patients in daily life. The disease has signs such as sore throat, fatigue, dry cough, after a few days it turns to cough with sputum, runny nose, when the disease is more severe, it causes fever with swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Some cases appear tinnitus, headache.
Ear - nose - throat are often closely related to each other. When you have a sore throat, pathogenic bacteria and viruses can move to the ears, causing tinnitus, affecting the nerves and causing headaches.

2. Is sore throat causing tinnitus, headache dangerous?

It can be affirmed that the phenomenon of tinnitus, headache when having sore throat is not dangerous and does not affect too much health. However, if it is subjective without early treatment, it can prolong the disease, causing a chronic sore throat to become more difficult to treat. At the same time, it is also very easy to get otitis media and can affect other respiratory organs, leading to a variety of other respiratory diseases.
Although sore throat causes tinnitus or sore throat, headache is not dangerous, but it is not so subjective. When sore throat causes tinnitus, headache, especially this condition has lasted, it is necessary to go to the doctor to detect abnormalities and treat properly.
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3. Possible stages of disease progression

3.1. Stage 1: Common sore throat Sore throat or difficulty swallowing Fever over 38 degrees C Headache Rash Stomach pain Loss of appetite, nausea Muscle pain and stiffness Swollen pharyngeal lymph nodes and white patches in the neck throat or small red dots may appear on the roof of the mouth 3.2. Stage 2: Acute pharyngitis Swelling of the neck, appearance of large lymph nodes in the neck, stuffy nose, runny nose Persistent cough Hoarseness, tinnitus Difficulty hearing, echoing sensation Headache, aching every time coughing attack Facial numbness can be seen, difficulty swallowing 3.3. Stage 3: Complications of pharyngitis Lymph nodes in the neck due to pharyngitis when complications can progress to oropharyngeal cancer
Cancer has just begun: the tumor appears to be small, has not spread to nearby lymph nodes . Advanced cancer: the tumor grows to 5-6cm, the cancer cells gradually increase, the tumor in the larynx can still lie still and enlarge and have not spread the cells around the cancer thrives: If the tumor has grown and the cancer has spread, there is still a chance that it will be remedied by surgical removal. Cancer spread: By the time nasopharyngeal cancer cells have spread to the lips and mouth and destroyed the lymph nodes, the chances of a cure are almost infinitesimal. Oropharyngeal cancer in the late stage metastasizes, the lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged, causing sore throat and difficulty swallowing. The lymph nodes can move to different locations on the body. Accompanied by pus discharge, nosebleed, loss of sensation in the throat, headache, decreased hearing ability...

4. Risk factors for prolonged disease progression

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Respiratory diseases, sore throats, sinusitis, ... not treated promptly or not effectively can be factors in sore throat causing tinnitus or headaches. These upper respiratory diseases have progressed to severe complications to the other throat, nose, and ears. The ears, nose and throat are not cleaned regularly or improperly, creating a favorable environment for bacteria and viruses to multiply and develop. The cause of sore throat, tinnitus, headache cannot be found, leading to incorrect drug treatment, more severe disease and repeated relapses. Humid and polluted living environment is a factor that leads to sore throat causing tinnitus.

5. What to do when you have sore throat, tinnitus, headache?

5.1. Folk tips Honey : has antibacterial ability to reduce symptoms of inflammation, pain. Besides, it also provides essential nutrients and vitamins for the body to improve resistance and immune system. Usage is very simple, mix honey with water, you can add a few drops of lemon juice, drink every day. Chives leaves: in chives leaves contain many antibiotic active ingredients such as allicin, sulit, odorin stronger than penicillin, resistant to many types of bacteria and viruses, effectively treating sore throat and tinnitus. How to use shallot leaves washed, drained, cut into small pieces, put in a glass bowl, add rock sugar and then steam in water. Extract the medicinal juice and drink it twice a day, 2-3 spoons each time.
5.2. Drug treatment The drug commonly used to treat sore throat, tinnitus, headache is antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, if fever is accompanied by antipyretic drugs such as amoxicillin, aspirin, paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, .. In many cases, the tinnitus and headache will go away once the sore throat is over. However, if tinnitus and headaches persist, the doctor will prescribe you drugs to enhance blood circulation, vitamins... to improve your health, support resistance..
5.3. Surgical intervention You need to be examined specifically and prescribed by a doctor in case of surgical intervention when pharyngitis. Chronic pharyngitis can cause otitis media. When middle ear inflammation is not treated early, it can cause tinnitus, nerve damage, headaches, and hearing loss. In many cases, untreated otitis media will cause mastoid otitis. People with tinnitus, headaches due to mastoid otitis, need surgery to completely remove the germ of the disease, prevent recurrence and serious complications later.
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6. Take care of your body and prevent sore throat

6.1. Taking care of the body About nutrition Supplementing with foods that are good for the throat and hearing, such as fruits and vegetables, foods rich in vitamins C, D, E, magnesium, zinc,... adding vegetables and fruits red color, many vitamins, supplement, support blood circulation, regulate nerves Do not use alcohol, tobacco, stimulants Can use folk remedies at the beginning of sore throat such as: sucking kumquat honey Bees, lemon basil steamed with alum sugar... Having a complete and scientific diet About living regimen Always keep oral hygiene clean every day. Gargle with physiological saline or warm diluted salt water daily. Clean the nose, ears and other respiratory parts regularly. Keep body warm, avoid colds and flu Regularly combine with exercise, sports, scientific rest. 6.2. Prevention of sore throat, tinnitus, recurrent headaches Wash hands after using the toilet, before eating or when touching objects in public places Avoid sharing food, drinks and personal items Avoid Smoking and secondhand smoke: Cigarettes will be the culprit for your sore throat and it will make the condition worse. Therefore, when you have a sore throat, it is even more important to stay away from cigarette smoke. Avoid allergenic sources. Pharyngitis causes tinnitus and headaches that are not dangerous, but patients are not allowed to be subjective, need to treat and take care of themselves according to the doctor's prescription to completely stop the disease. If you leave a sore throat with tinnitus, a prolonged headache can lead to unpredictable complications, the most dangerous is nasopharyngeal cancer.
Otolaryngology - Vinmec International General Hospital specializes in examination and treatment of common ENT diseases such as: sore throat, tinnitus, non-allergic rhinitis, throat cancer; tumors of the head, face and neck, congenital malformations of the ear, nose and throat area by common surgical methods. Not only has a system of modern facilities and equipment, Vinmec is also a place to gather a team of experienced doctors and doctors who will greatly assist in the diagnosis and early detection of abnormal signs. of the patient's body. In particular, with a space designed according to 5-star hotel standards, Vinmec guarantees to bring patients the most comfort, friendliness and peace of mind during the examination and treatment at the Hospital.

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