Aging: Exercise keeps your body and brain healthy

According to research, exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes a day can help an individual gradually combat the effects of dementia and significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, helping them to live longer and live happier. So how do elderly people exercise and how long is appropriate?

1. Why is exercise good for the brain?

According to a study done at the University of British Columbia (Canada), researchers have found that regular exercise improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increasing blood pumping to the brain and organs. in the body. It also helps increase the size of the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain involved in memory and learning. The findings come at a crucial time when a survey shows a new case of dementia is detected globally every four seconds. It is estimated that by 2050, more than 115 million people worldwide will suffer from this dilemma. So what is the solution?
Exercise is considered a simple and effective method to improve memory and thinking ability, help reduce insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, stimulate the release of beneficial brain chemicals, increase production produce new brain cells. Some researchers have also shown that, when scanning the brains of people who maintain exercise for 6 months - 1 year, they will see the part of the brain that controls thinking and memory (prefrontal cortex and temporal cortex). grow more than those who do not exercise.
Besides, exercise also helps improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety. These are major contributors to or contribute to cognitive decline in many people.
In general, the elderly who exercise regularly will receive the following health benefits:
Keep bones, muscles, joints healthy; Reduce the risk of diabetes , colon cancer , osteoporosis ; Hypotension; Reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, improve mood; Reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease; Improve balance, prevent falls and fractures in the elderly. Exercise is good for the brain and also helps elderly people live longer, healthier lives, preserving memory and thinking skills.
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2. So how long is appropriate for the elderly to exercise?

As we age, many people may shy away or skip exercise for a variety of reasons. Health experts suggest that adults should spend 150 minutes a week (about 30 minutes a day) of physical activity to improve the pumping ability of the cardiovascular system. If this sounds difficult, the advice is to start with a few minutes a day and gradually increase the amount of time to 5-10 minutes per week until you reach your goal.
Also, you don't have to stick to just one type of workout. Consider incorporating other forms of exercise such as: walking, tennis, yoga, tai chi, aerobics, dancing, etc. Even family activities like: cleaning Housework, yard sweeping, stair climbing, carrying groceries... can also count towards exercise duration.
Once you get used to it and feel more energetic, increase your exercise time to 300 minutes/week to further increase the health benefits that exercise can bring.
No matter how you choose to practice, where and when you practice, stay committed and stick to it. Once your body gets used to regular physical activity, you'll feel better, have a sharper memory, and have more energy in just a few weeks.
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