Tiny pimples on the tongue and the lower part of the tongue under the gums are a sign of what disease?

Hello doctor!
I want to ask the doctor that tiny pimples on the tongue and the lower part of the tongue under the gums are a sign of what disease? Hope to hear back soon, thank you!
Tran Huy Hoang (1993)
Hello! Thank you for asking the question: "What are the tiny bumps on the tongue and the lower part of the tongue under the gums?" to Vinmec.
First of all, is the pimple on your tongue painful? Because there are many causes of tiny pimples on the tongue that make the patient feel uncomfortable. Tiny pimples can grow on the tip of the tongue, the base of the tongue, or underneath the tongue. The color of acne on the tongue can be bright red, pale pink or white.
The expression of tiny pimples on the tongue can be a sign of the disease: canker sores, tongue fungus, acute pharyngitis, chronic... However, to be able to identify it specifically, you need to visit. Prestigious medical facilities or hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide for examination and necessary tests. The doctor will then advise you on the most appropriate course of treatment.
Good health. Best regards!

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