Does using drugs to treat pleural tuberculosis 3 months pregnant cause any effect?

Hello doctor! I had pleural TB and was taking TB medicine for 3 months when I got pregnant. So I would like to ask, in the case, does taking drugs to treat pleural tuberculosis 3 months pregnant cause any effect? I would like to thank you.
Phan Thuy Duong (1984)
Hello! Drugs to treat pleural TB have an effect on the fetus, possibly causing birth defects.
To be able to know exactly, "Does 3 months of pregnancy affect the use of drugs to treat pleural tuberculosis? "The doctor advised me to go to a TB hospital for advice, choose drugs that have little effect on the fetus but ensure that the treatment is clean of TB bacteria, to avoid drug-resistant TB bacteria, which is not good for the mother. and pregnant.
You can also perform an examination at a hospital under Vinmec Health System to be examined by qualified doctors. I wish you a healthy pregnancy.

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Answered by Doctor Phan Dinh Thuy Tien - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

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