Is it dangerous to swallow peanuts?

Hello doctor,
I am 27 years old. Did you swallow roasted peanuts? So the doctor asked me if it is dangerous to swallow peanuts? I heard people say there are cases of squirrel foreign particles entering the airways. Please advise, thank you.
Quach Anh Kiet (1994)
Answered by Emergency Resuscitation Department, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
With the question “Is it dangerous to swallow peanuts? ”, the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Foreign body in the airway is a common dangerous accident in young children, especially children under 2 years old, due to foreign objects falling into the airways causing narrowing or complete obstruction of the airways. This is an emergency condition, if not handled promptly, it can lead to serious consequences such as irreversible brain damage, even death.
Causes of foreign bodies in the airways:
By choking on food such as porridge, milk, rice,... Inhaling common small objects such as nuts, candies, pills, ... also have can be toys and small items such as marbles, pen caps, cigarette filters... Choking due to phlegm, drinks,... Expression when there is a foreign body in the airway:
Sudden coughing Convulsions, difficulty breathing, no crying, rapid cyanosis, respiratory arrest, lethargy, lethargy or coma should be immediately thought of as asphyxiation due to the degree of airway foreign body. Obstruction of the airways, which manifests from cough, shortness of breath, weak crying to more severe than not crying, cyanosis, gradually decreasing consciousness to coma. You swallow peanuts, and there is no difficulty breathing, coughing, ... then it is understood that peanuts have entered the stomach and are usually not dangerous.
If you still have questions about swallowing peanuts, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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