How to treat intermittent abdominal pain with gallstones?

Hello doctor,
Nearly a month ago, my wife had intermittent abdominal pain and went to the doctor, she was diagnosed by a doctor with a large number of gallstones under 10mm, stuck in the neck of the bile duct and indicated for surgery. secret. But during the hospital stay to wait for surgery, 2 days ago, my wife did not feel pain anymore. The doctor told me how to treat intermittent abdominal pain with gallstones? Should my wife have another surgery? Or can I just go for medical treatment and then have surgery? I thank you.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
With the question “How to treat intermittent abdominal pain with gallstones? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Gallstones are of two types: Gallstones and biliary stones. Gallstones can enter the main bile duct (common bile duct) through the gallbladder neck duct. Gallstones stuck in the cystic duct cause acute abdominal pain (liver colic), is a cause of emergency hospital admission, besides acute cholecystitis, acute biliary obstruction,...
Gallstones when there are complications, there are indication for cholecystectomy. The duration of preoperative treatment is long or short depending on the state of cholecystitis, biliary obstruction,... Symptoms of pain decrease when the patient responds to treatment, the gallbladder is less inflamed, stones go down the duodenum through the muscle. Oddi ... However, surgery is still in place.
About choosing the time of surgery, you can discuss with the treating doctor to decide accordingly. Note that in case of acute cholecystitis, it may be necessary to have stable medical treatment, wait 3-6 months when the inflammatory response in the gallbladder and the surrounding area decreases before performing surgery.
If you still have questions about intermittent abdominal pain with gallstones, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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