Appendiceal incision after 14 days is torn and painful, what to do?

Hello doctor,
I had laparoscopic appendectomy. After 14 days, I found that the stitches were torn at the navel, there was a small hole and it was painful. The doctor asked me what should I do after 14 days when the appendix is ​​torn and painful? I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you doctor.
Anonymous client
Answered by Master, Doctor Dao Duc Dung - Gastroenterologist - Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery - Gastroenterology and Urology Unit - Robotic Surgery & Pediatric Surgery - Disease Vinmec Times City International Hospital
To the question "What should I do after 14 days of tearing the appendix and causing pain?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
The location of the tear in the local incision Is the navel you describe as a tear on the skin or underneath the skin? This is the position of laparoscopic surgery and the doctor will sew 2 layers, sew 1 layer of the inner abdominal wall with absorbable thread, sew the outer skin layer (or use bio-glue instead of suture).
Currently you have a small hole and pain, it may be caused by irritation from the lower thread node (weigher layer) or from tearing the fascia layer. If mild, no infection, no hernia (exposed), no special intervention is needed. You need to see a doctor to evaluate the specific condition at the incision and have a reasonable treatment.
If you still have questions about the appendix incision after 14 days of tearing and pain, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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