Tips to stop heartburn at night

Nocturnal belching can wake us up at night, affecting sleep and quality of life. Here are some tips to stop burping at night, promote better sleep, and avoid related conditions.

1. Use a pillow

When you lie down, acid from the stomach easily travels up the esophagus causing belching at night. To overcome this situation, you should use a pillow to raise your head when sleeping. If it's still not high enough, the headboard can be raised with wooden blocks placed under the headboard. Changing the way you sleep by sleeping on your left side can help with digestion and ease nocturnal belching.

2. Eat earlier

When the stomach is full, it puts pressure on the top of the gastroesophageal valve, which prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. So, going to bed on a full stomach makes nighttime burping more likely. Eat at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed so that the stomach has time to digest food, reducing belching at night.

3. Avoid chocolate and coffee desserts

Consuming chocolate and coffee after dinner can cause heartburn at night. Certain other foods to avoid, such as citrus, onions, fizzy drinks, and foods high in fat or spicy taste, also cause heartburn.
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Ăn sớm hơn để tránh ợ hơi vào ban đêm

4. Relax before going to bed

Do not perform stressful activities before sleeping. Vigorous exercise makes acid reflux worse. A light, relaxing walk after dinner helps prevent nighttime burping.

5. Avoid overeating at dinner

Overeating is a common cause of nocturnal heartburn. Eat smaller meals, this makes nighttime heartburn less frequent and keeps you at a healthy weight.

6. Pay attention to the warning signals

Heartburn more than twice a week or persistent heartburn should see a specialist. Severe heartburn has been linked to GERD, which can cause stomach ulcers and throat problems.

7. Avoid alcohol at night

Any type of alcohol can cause heartburn. Alcohol should be completely avoided after dinner. In addition, alcohol is high in calories and causes overeating - a combination that causes weight gain and worsens heartburn.

8. Weight

Any weight can cause heartburn, but gaining weight makes heartburn more likely. Increased pressure on the gastroesophageal valve. Losing weight makes acid digestion easier. You will sleep better at night and be less sleepy during the day.

9. Quit smoking

Smoking is one of the causes of heartburn. Tobacco weakens the gastroesophageal valve. Talk to your therapist about medications and other aids to kick the smoking habit.

10. Avoid using mint after dinner

Many people experience heartburn after eating mint. Research shows that peppermint relaxes the gastroesophageal valve, making stomach acid more likely to back up into the esophagus.

11. Keep a food diary

Record what you eat and drink and look for clues about what's causing the belching. Avoid using that food for several days. Then, use each one individually to find the cause of heartburn.

12. Wear comfortable pajamas

Tight pajamas can put extra pressure on the stomach, increasing the risk of heartburn. Avoid elastic pants and wear loose-fitting sleepwear to avoid putting pressure on the stomach while sleeping.
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Bỏ thuốc lá để tránh ợ hơi vào ban đêm

13. Chewing gum

Chewing mint sugar-free gum for 30 minutes after a meal may reduce the risk of heartburn. Chewing gum causes the body to produce a more frequent swallowing response, which helps flush acid out of the esophagus.

14. Avoid bending forward

Leaning forward at the waist causes some people to have heartburn. Don't bend over at night if you tend to have heartburn at night.

15. Drug use

Take antacids Over-the-counter antacids provide short-term relief from occasional burping. Antacids neutralize acid in the stomach. If antacids are not effective or are used more than a few times a week, a specialist should be seen to find the appropriate treatment.
Take H2 Blockers H2 blockers reduce acid production in the stomach, used to help prevent heartburn. Some drugs interact with H2 blockers, which should be used with caution.
Take proton pump inhibitors Proton pump inhibitors reduce acid production in the stomach and help heal any damage to the esophagus caused by reflux.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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