How to have a healthy stomach?

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Whether you are on the "eat to live" or "live to eat" team, you definitely need to take care of your stomach, because if the stomach is not healthy, not only the health of the whole body is affected. due to insufficient nutrition and energy, but above all, the pleasure of eating will not be complete.
Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Pham Thi Mai Thanh, Internal Gastroenterologist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

1. Understanding the body's stomach

The stomach is not only a place to store and concentrate what you eat and drink, but also a machine that will metabolize these foods before they are taken to the intestines and become nutrients for the entire body. In a nutshell, the stomach is like a box containing food, but this miraculous box also has the function of secreting gastric juice and kneading and crushing the things stored in it.
The maximum capacity the stomach can hold is about 1500ml. To make it easier to imagine, you just need to imagine that you have a whole 1.5 liter bottle of mineral water in your stomach. But of course that is the maximum capacity and before we eat to the point where the stomach can't bear, the nerves inside the stomach will send signals to the brain so that the body adjusts you should stop eating. drink again.
Although it is made up of 5 layers and is considered one of the most resilient and durable parts of your body, if you do not stay away from the following harmful things, your stomach will definitely cry for help.

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2. The reasons why you are prone to stomach problems

It is a strange fact that many people think that stomach problems are caused only by eating. But in fact, psychological problems are the main factors that increase stomach diseases. That is, we can divide into 3 groups of "enemies" capable of attacking the stomach, which are risk factors for stomach ulcers.
Cause 1: psychological It seems hard to believe, but the digestive tract is the organ that can express emotions the most. Stress and depression for a long time will cause neuroregulation disorder, weaken the protective barrier function of the gastric mucosa, weaken gastric function and lead to gastric disease. chronic . Specifically, the digestive system is controlled by the enteric nervous system - which communicates with the central nervous system. When there is stress, the digestive system is stopped because your central nervous system shuts down blood flow, affecting the acid secretion of the stomach, specifically increasing acid secretion, so you are prone to diseases. stomach due to stress, especially infection with H.
The second is because Smoking Nicotine stimulates the secretion of cortisol leading to an increased risk of stomach ulcers. Tobacco reduces gastric mucosa blood flow, inhibits mucus secretion (ie mucosal protector), reduces cell regeneration, so ulcers heal slowly
3 Unscientific eating habits Eating not being in moderation, not eating right, eating too much in one meal or letting the body go hungry for too long before continuing to eat, eating harmful foods such as hot spicy foods, fried foods with a lot of fat, processed foods available salts such as bacon, sausages, fermented foods... drink alcohol, coffee... All of which change the process of gastric secretion and contraction of the stomach. Just like a factory needs to operate according to the correct process to ensure smooth efficiency, you skip or do the wrong process, and even do not maintain it periodically, of course, machines will quickly fail.
And the consequences you will face will be: gastritis, stomach bleeding, gastric reflux or even stomach cancer...
Maintain a healthy lifestyle by establishing scientific diet, eat at the right time, the right amount of the body needed and the right kind of best foods. Especially, you should pay attention to take good care of your spirit, never let yourself be too stressed, anxious, lose sleep or overloaded with any negative emotions. This will not only make your stomach grateful to you, but every other organ in your body will surely be grateful to you as well.
Especially, when there are signs of gastrointestinal disease, you should go to the doctor to be examined for timely advice and treatment.
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