Beware of digestive disorders in diabetics

Digestive disorders are common complications in patients with diabetes. Some of the most common digestive disorder complications are: Diarrhea, gastroparesis, esophageal motility disorders, gallstones in the biliary tract and gallbladder.

Complications on the gastrointestinal tract are common in diabetics including:
1. Digestive disorders in adults on the esophagus Too high blood sugar is the cause of esophageal motility disorders. Patients who come to the doctor often complain about the following symptoms: Difficulty swallowing, choking, burning sensation behind the sternum due to gastroesophageal reflux, some patients present with chest pain, this case very easily confused with angina pectoris. When you experience the above symptoms, your doctor will order you to have an esophagoscopy to rule out the causes of difficulty swallowing due to esophageal tumor, esophagitis or fungal infection of the esophagus.
2. Diabetics have digestive disorders in the stomach According to studies, up to 30-50% of long-term diabetic patients suffer from gastroparesis. Patients have a feeling of nausea, vomiting a lot of food after eating for a long time, eating quickly. Loss of appetite and vomiting causes the patient to lose weight rapidly leading to malnutrition, anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency.
The stomach is paralyzed, so it cannot perform the digestion process to crush the food, so keeping the food for too long in the stomach will lead to a drop in blood pressure, the food will clump up, causing a blockage in the digestive tract.
3. Diabetes with digestive disorders in the intestine Diabetic patients with digestive disorders can cause complications in the intestines, typically the phenomenon of passing loose stools or diarrhea at night 15-20 times / day, maybe even up to 20 -30 times / day. This phenomenon makes patients have difficulty in living, affecting sleep and health. Patients need to see a doctor for an overall assessment and to find the cause of the disease in order to take the medicine properly.
4. Diabetes with digestive disorders in the gallbladder Gallstones in the biliary tract and gallbladder are also one of the common complications when having digestive disorders in adults. Normally when eating, the gallbladder will secrete bile into the intestine to help digest food, when blood sugar is high in diabetics for many years, it will make the gallbladder's contractile capacity to be reduced, causing cholestasis. This will make digestion worse, absorption reduced and worse, cholestasis leading to the formation of gallstones causing cholecystitis. Ultrasound imaging is a simple way to find stones in the gallbladder.
5. Colon and rectum Colon: Patients often have symptoms such as: Constipation and pain in the lower abdomen, encountered in about 25% of patients with type 1 diabetes as well as type 2. However, there are many other causes of constipation need to be clearly distinguished such as: hypothyroidism; Electrolyte disturbances in the blood... Caused by the use of drugs that cause constipation such as: sleeping pills, high blood pressure drugs, antidepressants... Patients should be carefully examined and also informed to the doctor. the drugs or functional foods being used to determine the specific cause of the disease from which to have the appropriate treatment.
Rectal: This is the last part of the digestive tract, normally when there is enough stool in the rectum, it will send a signal to the central nervous system that we need to defecate. The rectal sphincter then relaxes and, along with other conditioned reflexes, expels stool. For diabetic patients with neurological complications, most patients feel stool in the rectum but cannot actively inhibit the ejection. This is what makes the patient very self-deprecating and guilty, feeling uncomfortable when going out of the house. Over 18% of patients with long-term diabetes have this complication.
The above article is the common complications of digestive disorders in diabetics to help you be alert and improve your prevention knowledge. If you have any questions, please contact your doctor immediately for answers.

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