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Articles in Ulcers

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Uses of Alpha-Enteroext
Alpha EnteroEXT is a product of Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company I, which is widely used in the treatment of inflammation and tissue edema, infections, ulcers, abscesses... So what is Alpha EnteroEXT and what is needed? What to note when using?
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What is Kuplevotin? Therapeutic uses of Kuplevotin 25mg
Kuplevotin 25mg is indicated for the treatment of peptic ulcers. In addition, the drug is also effective in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia. To ensure effective use, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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Uses of Tralumium
Tralumi medicine is derived from natural herbal extracts, is a special medicine for mouth and tongue ulcers. The medicinal herbs in Tralumi are cool, clear heat, detoxify, heal small ulcers in the oral cavity.
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How long does it take to treat gastroenteritis?
Hi doctor! I had an endoscopy 3 months ago and the results showed that I had a moderate level of inflammation of the entire lining of the stomach and duodenum with no HP. After taking the drug for 3 months, the condition does not go away. Now, I still eat indigestion, belching, choking, burning in the abdomen, especially the right abdomen right next to the hip, and the pain spreads to the back. So the doctor asked me to take medicine for congestive inflammation of the entire lining of the stomach and duodenum for 3 months but still have indigestion, belching, choking on the throat, burning stomach, is it dangerous, how long will it take to heal? and the burning pain in the side is it due to the effect of the stomach and how long will it take for me to have the endoscopy? I hope you can give me some advice, thanks!
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Hand, foot and mouth disease: Signs suggest the risk of complications
Bệnh tay chân miệng là căn bệnh lây lan rất nhanh, có nguy cơ tiến triển thành các biến chứng nguy hiểm như viêm màng não, viêm não khiến người bệnh dễ tử vong. Hiện nay, vẫn chưa có thuốc đặc trị bệnh này.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics