Home Tag Treatment of shortness of breath

Articles in Treatment of shortness of breath

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Uses of Tolbupas
Tolbupas is indicated for the relief of symptoms of shortness of breath caused by obstructive airway disease in patients with acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumothorax, chronic bronchitis... Let's learn about the uses. , notes when using Tolbupas through the article below.
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Shortness of breath for 2 months without taking medicine, what to do?
Hi doctor! I'm 20 years old this year, I've been having trouble breathing for 3 months now, I've been in the hospital 3 times and still not getting better. I checked the heart and lungs were normal, diagnosed as autonomic disorder, vestibular disorder, hypokalemia.
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Shortness of breath, shortness of breath is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor! Lately, I've been having trouble breathing, sometimes I have to take a deep breath to breathe normally. When I lay with my chest on the edge of the table, it was difficult to breathe. The doctor asked me what was wrong and how to improve my condition? Please answer and give me some advice. Thanks you.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics