Home Tag Treatment of gastric HP

Articles in Treatment of gastric HP

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Indirect contact, can stomach HP bacteria spread?
Hi doctor! Today, I accidentally let my friend drink a can of coke, my friend is currently being treated for gastric HP, you touched the can with your mouth, so it indirectly transmitted saliva to her.
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After being infected with stomach HP bacteria, how long should I go to the doctor again?
Hi doctor. Ask the doctor to help you answer: How long after a patient has been infected with gastric HP bacteria should go back to the doctor? Currently, the patient no longer has symptoms of belching and abdominal pain. Thank you doctor.
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Is there a possibility of HP infection when the H. Pylori test is positive?
Hello doctor, I went for a test and got the following index results: H.Pylori (detects IgG and CIM factor - determines H.P in an active state) - CIM - negative - IgG - negative .
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