Home Tag Treatment of extrasystoles

Articles in Treatment of extrasystoles

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Does mild ectopic heart disease get worse?
Hello doctor, I went to a cardiologist at Vinmec Hospital last year and was diagnosed with mild extrasystoles. I don't know if mild extrasystoles are more severe? Doctor give me advice!
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Shortness of breath and arrhythmia are symptoms of what disease?
For the past 20 years, I have had occasional arrhythmias and slight shortness of breath. I went to the general hospital, the doctor told me not to use drugs for autonomic neuropathy. For nearly 2 years now, the condition has gotten worse, the number of arrhythmias is more, such as tachycardia or wrist pulse, skipping a beat and then continuing to beat. I am currently taking the heart drug prolol 2.5 mg orally 1/2v, now the state of skipping beats occurs more often. I discovered that a thyroid patient about this year has not taken medication, still works normally, drives a car, a porter, etc. Her condition worsens when she is worried. The doctor asked me if shortness of breath, arrhythmia is a symptom of what disease? Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics