Home Tag Treatment of anal fistula

Articles in Treatment of anal fistula

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Recurrent anal abscess what to do?
Hello doctor, I am 54 years old this year, about 6 months ago I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with an anal abscess (surgery anal fistula) so far I have anal itching again, a feeling of tightness in the anus. subject, I immediately thought of an old disease that might have recurred.
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Anal fistula after surgery for anal abscess should do?
I had an anal abscess surgery 2 months ago, 2 weeks ago, the wound swelled up, I went to the doctor for an antibiotic appointment 5 days later, 5 days later, the doctor said an anal fistula was forming and Give him medicine for 1 week, tell him next time the wound emerges, go buy medicine as prescribed by Uncle and take it for 1 week. The medicine was gone yesterday but my wound still hurts when I touch it. Doctor advise anal fistula after surgery anal abscess should do?
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Does anal fistula heal on its own?
Anal fistula is one of the common diseases, causing many difficulties and inconveniences for patients in daily activities. When faced with this problem, whether anal fistula heals on its own is a question many people ask.
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The role of imaging tests in the evaluation of anal fistula
Rò hậu môn nếu không được điều trị kịp thời thì sẽ gây ra nhiều biến chứng cho người bệnh. Việc đánh giá rò hậu môn bằng các xét nghiệm hình ảnh có vai trò quan trọng trong chẩn đoán cũng như hỗ trợ điều trị.
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