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Articles in tonsillitis

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Chronic tonsillitis should be removed?
Hello doctor, I am 15 years old, born in 2004. When I was a child, I had symptoms such as shortness of breath, sleep apnea, breathing through the mouth. I have been examined at places near my home, 3 times at Bach Mai hospital, Hanoi, but the results of all 3 visits are different, the time between the 2nd and 3rd visits is a few weeks.
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Splashing dry pus when sneezing is a symptom of what disease?
Hello doctor. In the throat when sneezing, there are often small dry pus-like particles like acne. And near the tongue there is a small acne hole, when I touch it, it's like squeezing a pimple with a lump. Now my throat is normal and there is no pain. The doctor asked me what my condition is?
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Do pharyngitis and tonsillitis recur?
The doctor asked me: I have a sore throat, red inflamed throat with white particles. I've been taking medicine for a year now and it doesn't work. I also went to many hospitals, including Oncology, but the doctor only concluded that I had a sore throat and tonsillitis.
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3 reasons to cut large tonsils to help children stay healthy
Tonsillitis not only causes sore throat, but also increases the size of the tonsils, causing the tonsils to enlarge, causing pressure on the airways and digestive tract. So if the tonsils are enlarged, how to not affect the health of the child? Should tonsils be removed? And if cutting, when is the best time to cut?
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Information about superinfectious allergic rhinitis
Viêm mũi dị ứng bội nhiễm thường xảy ra khi viêm mũi dị ứng kéo dài, không được điều trị. Không chỉ gây ra các triệu chứng khó chịu gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống người bệnh, nếu không được điều trị viêm mũi dị ứng bội nhiễm còn có thể gây ra các biến chứng trên đường hô hấp như viêm họng, viêm amidan, viêm phế quản,...
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Things to know about tongue tonsillitis
Viêm amidan lưỡi là tình trạng amidan lưỡi bị vi khuẩn hoặc virus xâm nhập gây tình trạng viêm nhiễm, sưng tấy, đau nhức, rát vùng lưỡi. Điều trị viêm amidan cần được thực hiện sớm để ngăn ngừa xảy ra các biến chứng khi nhiễm trùng lan rộng.
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Tonsillitis at the base of the tongue: What you need to know
Tonsillitis at the base of the tongue is one of the diseases of the upper respiratory tract, caused by the attack of pathogens on the tonsils at the base of the tongue, leading to an inflammatory reaction.
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Tonsillitis causing an abscess around the tonsils
A tonsil abscess is a purulent inflammatory condition that occurs in the loose connective tissue located around the tonsils, between the tonsils and the side wall of the throat. Abscesses around the tonsils are common in older children and adults. There are many causes of tonsillitis, of which the most common is the resulting tonsillitis.
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