Home Tag Thyroid hormone

Articles in Thyroid hormone

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Radiofrequency ablation, treatment of benign thyroid tumors without surgery
Radiofrequency ablation is a method of destroying tumors with heat caused by the friction of ions in the tissue under the influence of high-frequency alternating current. The heat caused by friction dries the surrounding tissue leading to dehydration of the cells and coagulation of the tumor, thereby reducing the size of the tumor.
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Choosing the right treatment for benign thyroid nodules
Benign thyroid tumor is a common disease in women, patients with lumps in the neck cause discomfort or even difficulty breathing or swallowing. Treatment methods vary depending on the nature and extent of the tumor. There are 4 main treatment methods: monitoring, antithyroid drugs, surgery and aspiration.
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Benign thyroidectomy: Things to note
U lành tuyến giáp là một bệnh lý thường gặp ở nữ giới với dấu hiệu phát hiện khối u ở vùng cổ gây khó chịu hoặc thậm chí khó thở hay nuốt nghẹn. Bệnh u tuyến giáp đa số là lành tính nhưng cũng có số ít những trường hợp tiến triển thành ung thư tuyến giáp.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics