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Articles in Targeted therapy

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Check for breast cancer recurrence
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women. However, the detection of the disease is quite difficult because the warning signs of breast cancer are not the same. Besides, breast cancer after treatment has a high chance of recurrence. The disease can recur at any time, usually occurring in the first 5 years after breast cancer treatment.
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Breast cancer: Causes and symptoms
Breast cancer is a very common malignancy, which can be encountered in both men and women, knowing the causes and signs of this disease will help early detection and improve treatment effectiveness in patients.
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Is breast cancer hereditary?
If you have a strong family history of breast cancer or other cancers, your doctor may recommend blood tests to identify specific mutations in BRCA or other genes that are being passed in the family. friend. According to statistics, about 5-10% of breast cancer patients are related to genetic mutations that are passed down through generations in a family.
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Reducing breast cancer risk for high-risk women
Although it is a dangerous malignancy, if you know how to prevent it, you can still reduce the risk of breast cancer for yourself and your loved ones.
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Breast cancer treatment options
Your doctor will determine breast cancer treatment options based on the type of breast cancer, the stage and histology of the disease, the size of the tumor and whether the cancer cells are hormone-sensitive, your health overall and individual patient status.
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Management of recurrent breast cancer
Breast cancer is a common disease and the leading cause of death in women. However, the detection of the disease is quite difficult because the warning signs of breast cancer are often faint and not the same. Besides, breast cancer after treatment has a high probability of recurrence and metastasis. The disease usually occurs in the first 5 years after treatment, which is difficult and expensive to treat.
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A visual guide to kidney cancer
Kidney cancer is a dangerous disease and is likened to a "silent killer". The disease often progresses silently and is only detected in the advanced stages. Therefore, when detecting abnormal symptoms, patients should go to the doctor as soon as possible to diagnose and evaluate the prognosis of kidney cancer and treat the disease in time.
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When your doctor says "you've got cancer," what to do?
It is important to calm down, listen to the diagnosis and advice from the doctor to prepare yourself as well as a strong mentality against this terrible disease.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics