Home Tag Target heart rate

Articles in Target heart rate

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What do you need to know about heart rate?
Your heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Normal heart rate varies from person to person, and from person to person at every age. Understanding heart rate can be an important measure of heart health. Depending on age, the frequency and regularity of the heartbeat may change.
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Is a heart rate higher than 100 after exercise dangerous?
Hello doctor, I am 49 years old this year, my normal heart rate measured by a blood pressure monitor is 90. When I exercise for only 15 minutes, I measure my heart rate increases by more than 100, I feel a little tired and afraid of the heart. I can't exercise anymore. I want to ask is heart rate higher than 100 after exercise dangerous? Thank you doctor!
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics