Home Tag Symptoms of stomach pain

Articles in Symptoms of stomach pain

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Instructions for use of stomach pain relievers
Regular use of certain pain relievers and drinking too much alcohol can also contribute to stomach pain. Regardless of the cause, treatment with an upset stomach is always necessary to improve symptoms. However, for treatment to be highly effective, patients need to know the instructions for using stomach pain relievers according to each group.
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Frequent reflux and pain in the left upper abdomen below the sternum are signs of what disease?
Hi doctor! Currently I am working in Brunei. I often have reflux and pain in the left area of ​​the upper abdomen, below the breastbone. When I sit down, I feel a burning pain in my abdomen and a sharp pain.
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Tired, nauseous, is acid reflux?
Please advise me, I am often tired, or nauseous because of acid reflux. Recently, I often have a heart attack while sleeping, especially when I sleep for a long time, waking up in the morning is much more painful and accompanied by shortness of breath. I went to the doctor and the doctor said it was because of my stomach. Right now, I'm very worried about my health. Please advise me what to do? I would like to thank you!
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Prolonged left side abdominal pain is stomach pain?
I often have pain on the left side of my abdomen. Sometimes the pain is quite strong and then gradually decreases, even if the hand is lightly pressed, it hurts. Lasts about a few hours or sometimes tens of minutes. Is it a stomach ache?
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What to eat for stomach ache to heal quickly?
According to the Society of Gastroenterology in Vietnam, the number of people at risk of stomach disease in Vietnam is up to 70% (a very worrying number). And planning the menu for people with stomach pain must also be very careful because choosing bad foods will cause discomfort for the patient and at the same time make the disease worse.
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