Home Tag Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer

Articles in Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer

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Sore throat, cough, hoarseness are symptoms of what disease?
Trong các nguyên nhân gây đau cổ họng, ho đờm ra máu, có nguyên nhân lành tính như ho khạc quá mạnh, nhiều lần làm vỡ các mạch máu nhỏ dẫn đến xuất hiện máu trong đờm, nhưng cũng có những nguyên nhân cần chúng ta cảnh giác hơn như triệu chứng ung thư vòm họng. Vậy ung thư vòm họng là gì và mức độ nguy hiểm ra sao?
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What are the symptoms of throat cancer?
Hi doctor! Can the doctor help me advise on what are the symptoms of throat cancer? I would like to thank the doctor.
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Classification and progression of nasopharyngeal cancer
Nasopharyngeal cancer is a rapidly progressive disease, if not detected and treated early, the patient's survival time is very short. Initially, the disease only showed symptoms in the nasopharynx, but when the disease has metastasized, the symptoms are also expressed in the organs where the cancer cells have metastasized.
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Is throat cancer contagious?
Nasopharyngeal cancer is one of the 10 most common types of cancer today with a very high mortality rate. On average, for every 100,000 people, about 20-50 people have nasopharyngeal cancer (statistics in epidemiological areas). Around this disease, many people wonder if nasopharyngeal cancer is contagious?
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How to detect oropharyngeal cancer?
In Vietnam, nasopharyngeal cancer ranks first among head and neck cancers and fifth among cancers in general. Such is the high incidence, but the symptoms of the disease are atypical
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Difference between nasopharyngeal cancer and common pharyngitis
Throat cancer and pharyngitis both share some of the same symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing, sore throat, or swelling in the neck. Sometimes people are still confused between these two diseases. Let's learn how the symptoms of each disease and how to tell them apart.
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