Home Tag Symptoms of appendicitis

Articles in Symptoms of appendicitis

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Management of acute appendicitis in children
Acute appendicitis is one of the dangerous surgical emergencies. Children with acute appendicitis are often more difficult to diagnose than adults, so when they see signs of appendicitis, they need to go to medical centers for timely examination and treatment.
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Why is the diagnosis of acute appendicitis so difficult and confusing?
Clinical manifestations of acute appendicitis are very diverse, with typical conditions, the diagnosis is quite simple, however, there will also be many difficult situations that make the diagnosis often difficult, the prognosis is abnormal. benefit the patient.
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On which side is the appendix located? Functions of the appendix
The appendix is ​​a small, finger-shaped tube-shaped structure that arises from the first part of the large intestine called the cecum. When the appendix is ​​inflamed, it will swell and in some cases will rupture. Follow the article below!
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Symptoms of acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is a dangerous disease and the progression is often very rapid. Therefore, patients need to know the symptoms of appendicitis in order to promptly go to the emergency hospital and receive treatment as soon as possible.
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Complications of acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is an acute infection of the appendix. Acute appendicitis has the potential to be fatal due to complications related to appendiceal rupture because it is not diagnosed correctly and treated promptly.
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How does appendicitis develop and how long does it last?
Appendicitis progresses very quickly, can rupture, necrosis, making it difficult to treat and easily lead to complications such as enteritis, intestinal obstruction, endangering the life of the patient.
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Learn about appendix ultrasound technique
Ruột thừa có thể nằm ở vị trí bất kỳ xung quanh manh tràng, có thể dài cắm vào tiểu khung. Khi siêu âm viêm ruột thừa, bác sĩ sẽ dùng đầu dò tần số cao 5-7,5 Hz và thực hiện các lớp cắt ngang để xác định manh tràng và hồi tràng, sau đó tập trung tìm ruột thừa dựa vào các mốc là đáy manh tràng và đoạn hồi tràng tận cùng.
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