Home Tag Sweating a lot

Articles in Sweating a lot

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Heart palpitations, shaking hands when holding are signs of what disease?
Hi doctor! Your child has the following symptoms: Fast heartbeat, but not always. The measured heart rate at tachycardia is 117 beats (at rest). When I lie down, I feel like my chest is pounding.
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Dizziness, dizziness, sweating a lot when the heart beats fast is what disease?
Hi doctor. Let me ask, my heart often beats fast, palpitations, dizziness, sweating when beating fast, I have been like that for the last few years. I want to know the case of dizziness, dizziness, sweating a lot when the heart is beating fast due to what disease?
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Sweat a lot, why?
When people sweat a lot, they often think it is due to hot weather or excessive exercise. However, the cause of excessive sweating is not only like that. Excessive sweating can also be a warning sign of some diseases that affect the sweat glands.
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Postpartum sweating: What you need to know
Postpartum women sweating a lot is a common phenomenon in the first weeks after giving birth, especially at night. This phenomenon not only causes a lot of inconvenience but is also a warning sign of some health problems for the mother. So how to treat postpartum sweating?
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Excessive sweating: Good or bad?
Excessive sweating is a normal physiological phenomenon that helps balance body temperature and eliminate toxins. However, if you sweat a lot all over your body or in a certain area, you may have hyperhidrosis.
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Is Excessive Sweating on a Baby's Head a Cause for Concern?
Excessive sweating on a baby's head is a common occurrence, especially in newborns. In most cases, this is normal. However, it can also be a sign of an underlying health issue that parents should be aware of.
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Is there any treatment for sweaty hands and feet?
Sweaty hands and feet is a very common condition among young people today. Although this condition is not dangerous, it causes a lot of inconvenience and hinders the patient's work. So what to do with sweaty hands and feet? Is there a way to completely cure sweaty hands and feet? Let's find out through the following article!
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Hair follicles are blocked, why?
Clogged hair follicles are more likely to occur in areas that are frequently subjected to friction. Over time, they can cause pain, infection, or scarring. Therefore, when painful swelling due to clogged hair follicles recurs, you should see a doctor for advice on appropriate treatments to help your skin look healthier and firmer.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics