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Articles in Swallowing

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Causes of difficulty swallowing
Anyone is at risk for dysphagia, especially in the elderly, premature babies, or those with nerve and brain problems. To completely treat dysphagia in patients, the doctor will have to base on the cause of the disease.
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How does esophagectomy take place?
Esophageal cancer is the most common cancer today, with an increasing incidence of this disease. The treatment for patients with esophageal cancer is esophagectomy. If detected at an early stage, when cancer cells have not spread, partial or total esophagectomy can treat cancer.
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Does hernia slit esophagus need surgery?
Dear doctor, I am 31 years old this year, I have choking and reflux esophagitis for 10 years now. I had heart surgery once but it didn't help. Currently, I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a 36.43mm esophageal hiatus hernia. Will I have to have surgery, doctor? Thank you doctor!
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Feeling like undigested food, stuck in the esophagus is dangerous?
Hi doctor! From time to time I feel like undigested food is stuck in the esophagus. Because I'm in the epidemic season, I only go to the store to buy medicine, but it helps but when I eat food, it is still difficult to digest (jackfruit and fried foods). So the doctor asked me to feel like food is not digested, is it dangerous to get stuck in the esophagus? I hope the doctor can help me. I would like to thank you.
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Swallowing after gastric spasm by Heller method can be operated again?
I had surgery for gastric spasm by Heller method but still have achalasia. I'm still choking. So the doctor asked me if I could do the surgery again after choking surgery with the Heller method? I would like to thank the doctor.
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What is diffuse esophageal spasm?
Diffuse esophageal spasm often causes patients to feel chest pain when swallowing food, working too hard,... This disease is currently unknown and still difficult to diagnose and treat. provide appropriate treatment.
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Is choking with nausea unusual?
I have stomach pain (I went to endoscopy and had conjunctivitis, scattered superficial bleeding and reflux). I've been taking the medicine for more than 2 months but it goes away for a few days and then it comes back again. So the doctor asked me if the situation of swallowing choking with nausea is abnormal?
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Difficulty swallowing, choking in people with gastroesophageal reflux should do what?
Two years ago, I went to the hospital to find out that I had reflux of the stomach and esophagus. I have taken prescription medication but have not seen any relief from my symptoms. Recently, the throat feels entangled, like there is something stuck in the esophagus, like there is always sputum in the throat, I just went for an ENT endoscopy, but I did not find the problem. anything unusual. Every morning, I drink a 200ml cup of warm water, honey and turmeric. Ask your doctor for advice on difficulty swallowing, choking in people with gastroesophageal reflux, what should be done?
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Stomach pain, belching with swallowing is what disease?
My mother is currently showing signs of stomach disease such as stomach pain, belching, eating food has a feeling of being stuck in the throat, so she is very afraid of food. So the doctor asked me what is the disease with stomach pain, belching and choking?
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What are the causes of choking in the elderly?
I have an old man in my house. Do you eat or choke in the epigastrium, the doctor asked me what is the cause of choking in the elderly? How should it be treated? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Chest pain, breastbone pain and difficulty swallowing are signs of esophageal cancer?
Doctor, I have chest pain, breastbone pain and difficulty swallowing. There is always a feeling of choking in the esophagus. Shortness of breath and worse when lying down. Ask your doctor for symptoms such as:
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