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Articles in Stomachache

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Use caution when taking pain relievers
Irreversible colitis is a common cause of colon pain, abdominal pain, and indigestion. IBD is seen mainly in adults, especially the elderly. The disease is not dangerous but greatly affects the quality of life of the patient. Here are some notes when taking colon pain relievers.
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Cramping abdominal pain around the navel, what to do?
The doctor told me, I have intermittent abdominal pain around the navel, sometimes dull pain. Pain started in February after eating beef steak about 2 hours. Unusual pain, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, a lot of pain days, days without pain
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Dull abdominal pain above the navel and below the breast, accompanied by a lot of raw and crushed stool, is it colon pain?
Hi doctor! I have a dull abdominal pain above the navel and below the breast for a few days now, passing stools more often, raw and broken stools. Other than those signs I don't have fever, nausea or anything else. So the doctor asked me, I have a dull abdominal pain above the navel and below the breast, accompanied by a lot of raw and crushed stool, is it colon pain? Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
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Fatigue with pain is a symptom of what disease?
Hello doctor, I have a question, I have fatigue and pain all over my body accompanied by frequent lower right abdominal pain. I went to the doctor, the doctor said stomach and colon pain, but taking the medicine did not see all, still aching and tired with insomnia.
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Can I work hard with spasmodic colitis?
Please tell me, I have spasmodic colitis, can this disease work hard? Because every time I lift something heavy, I get a pain in the ass.
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Symptoms of colon pain
Symptomatic colitis resembles a chronic digestive disease, characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. Infections, reduced or lost blood supply in the intestines, inflammatory bowel disease, and invasion of the colon wall with collagen... all cause the colon to become inflamed, causing symptoms of prolonged pain and malabsorption. and the patient is easily exhausted.
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Where is the painful irritable bowel syndrome?
Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional intestinal disorder that recurs many times with symptoms such as abdominal pain, spasms, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation... In which, abdominal pain is a symptom. The main evidence used to confirm the diagnosis of this condition. Understanding the mechanism, presentation, and location of abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome will aid in the early diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
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