Home Tag Stomach strain

Articles in Stomach strain

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Stomach distension after eating leaves is intestinal obstruction?
Two days ago, I ate a lot of honey leaves, two days I rarely had a bowel movement. Normally, I go very regularly (1-2 times a day). Now, I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach (in addition, there are no symptoms), I go to sleep with a feeling of being pinched, and it is difficult to breathe. So the doctor told me to ask if the stomach strain after eating the leaves is a blockage of the intestines?
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Is it okay to have less bowel movements with gastric distension after eating molasses leaves?
Two days ago, I ate a lot of honey leaves, 2 hours ago, I rarely went to the toilet. Normally, I go very regularly (1-2 times a day). Now, I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach (in addition, there are no symptoms), I go to sleep with a feeling of being pinched, and it is difficult to breathe. So the doctor asked me to ask if I have less bowel movements with stomach distension after eating the leaves of honeysuckle, is it okay?
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Over-stretching the stomach easily causes babies to hiccups
Nấc cụt là phản xạ thường thấy ở trẻ sơ sinh. Một trong những nguyên nhân gây nên tình trạng nấc cụt ở trẻ chính là sự căng dạ dày quá mức. Đây là tình trạng rất phổ biến ở trẻ sơ sinh, thậm chí bé có thể bị nấc cụt ngay khi còn trong bụng mẹ. Thai nhi có thể bị nấc cụt từ tam cá nguyệt thứ hai trở đi. Bé có thể bị nấc khi nuốt nước ối.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics