Home Tag Stomach bleeding

Articles in Stomach bleeding

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Why does aspirin abuse make users prone to stomach bleeding?
Stomach bleeding usually occurs because the lining of the stomach has been bleeding. If the patient is not treated promptly, it can cause many dangerous complications, even life-threatening. Therefore, patients should understand the causes to find the right treatment. In particular, the abuse of aspirin in excess of the allowed amount is a cause that makes the elderly prone to stomach bleeding.
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Treating bleeding from multiple ulcers for more than 1 month but still having abdominal pain?
My husband had a stomach bleed on endoscopic examination and he had bleeding due to multiple ulcers and had been taking medicine for more than 1 month, but his stomach still ached. The doctor asked me to ask my husband to treat bleeding due to multiple ulcers for more than 1 month but still have abdominal pain? Thank you doctor.
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Symptoms of stomach ulcers: Flatulence, heartburn, nausea
Most people with peptic ulcers will feel a burning pain or discomfort between the navel and breastbone. This feeling is especially evident on an empty stomach. The pain may stop when you eat or take an antacid, but then recur and last for a few minutes or hours.
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99% accurate signs of stomach ulcers
Medically, a peptic ulcer is a lesion that disrupts the continuity of the lining of the stomach or duodenum. Simply put, just a certain problem that imbalances the protection of the stomach lining with the attack factor will cause problems on the surface, if the damage is deep through the mucosa, then it will cause problems. called peptic ulcer.
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