Home Tag Stomach - duodenum

Articles in Stomach - duodenum

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Why is vomiting blood after treatment for stomach bleeding?
Hello doctor, the condition of stomach bleeding has been treated for 1 week in the hospital. After 1 week of treatment, the patient still had blood in the stool (the endoscopy did not bleed) for 1-2 days, the patient had no signs of bowel movements but vomited blood again. Please consult your doctor.
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Chest tightness, dizziness when taking medicine to treat gastritis, should I continue to use it?
Hi doctor. I take medicine for gastritis HP and feel pain, heat, chest tightness and dizziness, should I continue using the medicine?
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Anal burning with bloating is a symptom of what disease?
Dear doctor. About a week ago, I often had large stools, but they were flat, not round. The stools are sometimes slimy. After walking, I felt a burning sensation in the anus. Normally feeling full, sometimes feel uncomfortable in the abdomen. The rest is all normal. Please advise me, what is wrong with me? Thank you doctor.
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