Home Tag Stent placement

Articles in Stent placement

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Pros and cons of angioplasty
Angioplasty is an interventional cardiovascular technique used to dilate coronary arteries that are blocked or narrowed due to atherosclerotic plaques. Most angioplasty procedures these days incorporate a metal mesh insert, or stent, into the artery.
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Heart attack: How to improve EF?
I had a heart attack, had a stent placed, now the echocardiogram shows EF 49%, so what should I do to improve this index? Thank you doctor.
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Why is my health still weak after placing a stent?
Hi Doctor. Why have I had a stent for nearly 3 months but my body is not well, still weak and still having difficulty breathing, nervous doctor?
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Superficial femoral artery intervention: What you need to know
Injury to the superficial femoral artery due to arterial stenosis and occlusion is a common cause of claudication, which, if not treated early, can lead to amputation. Intervention of the superficial femoral artery is an effective procedure in the treatment of this pathology.
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Stent placement in myocardial infarction
Stent placement in myocardial infarction is a surgical procedure applied in cardiovascular treatment. Stent placement is indicated in cases of acute myocardial infarction, severely occluded coronary arteries that do not respond well to drug therapy.
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What drugs should be used to treat coronary artery disease?
Hi doctor. I want to ask that after a cardiovascular examination, the doctor concluded that coronary artery occlusion does not require stenting. What medicine should I take and how should I treat it? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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How dangerous is carotid stenting?
Hello doctor, can you tell me how dangerous it is during the stenting process when the carotid artery is more than 90% narrow?
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Is open 1⁄4 heart valves dangerous? How to treat?
Hi doctor. During the past 2 months, I often have mild chest pain, about 30 seconds. I went to the doctor, the doctor said that it was due to open 1⁄4 heart valves. Ask the doctor if this disease has any effect? What is the best treatment? Please advise doctor, thank you doctor.
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What is the diet for heart surgery people?
Hi doctor. My mother is 74 years old this year, just 1 month after heart surgery. I want to ask about the diet after surgery? Does eating a lot of sweets have any effect? Please advise me, thank you doctor.
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Can I get fluids after stent placement?
Can I receive fluids after stent placement?
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Can a stent be placed after myocardial infarction surgery?
I had a heart attack and had a stent placed. The doctor asked me, if I work too hard, will it affect my health or not? Thank you very much doctor!
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