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If you have stomach bleeding, can you be active?
Hello doctor. I had stomach bleeding 3 weeks ago, now the situation is stable but still abstaining from some foods like sour and spicy food. Please ask the doctor after having stomach bleeding, can you be active? And the level of my stomach bleeding is heavy or light? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Heart failure and physical activity
One of the most important ways that people with heart failure can maintain their sense of well-being is to stay active. In the past, people with heart failure were advised to rest and give up many usual activities. But recent research has shown that being active, including exercise, work and sex... is healthy and safe for most people with heart failure.
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Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity
Exercise and physical activity are great ways to feel better, improve your health, and enjoy life. What are the benefits of regular exercise? Find out in the article below!
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Treating depression with yoga: What you need to know
Yoga is considered a complementary treatment for depression, can calm the mind and emotions with Yoga by focusing and controlling the breath, deep, even and slow.
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9 common mistakes when exercising
After each training session or after a few weeks of training, you have not achieved your desired results such as not losing weight or not gaining weight. It is very possible that you made mistakes during the training process, so you have not achieved the desired results.
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Gymnastics and sports: Information for beginners
Playing sports or going to the gym can improve your physical and mental health, reduce the risk of chronic disease and keep you in shape. If you want to exercise but don’t know where to start, you can refer to the effective ways to exercise below.
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Notes on nutrition when doing sports and exercising
Exercising and going to the gym will help improve your health and give you a toned, balanced, and attractive body. Along with exercise, nutrition is also very important, this is one of the factors that determine the success of exercise.
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Instructions for correct abdominal breathing exercises
The term belly breathing may sound strange to many people, but it is actually an ancient health training technique that has been practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world.
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Is cycling too much harmful to the body?
Although cycling brings many health benefits, if practiced too much it can cause great harm to the body.
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Sports and strengthens the immune system
Regular exercise helps strengthen the immune system and improve health. However, for professional athletes, common cold symptoms that occur during and after training are a warning sign of a weakened immune system. So what is the connection between sports and the immune system?
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Golf balance makes your swing easier
When you see a golfer maintaining good balance throughout his or her swing, it looks solid, as if all the moving body parts – legs, hands, arms and torso – are working in harmony, and the swing looks graceful. The opposite is a swing that looks loose or as if the golfer is tense. In this article, we will help you understand the benefits of balance in golf to help you swing more easily.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics