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Articles in Spleen hypertrophy

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Splenic abscess: Diagnosis and treatment
Splenic abscess is a rare infectious disease with a high mortality rate. Diagnosis of splenic abscess also faces many disadvantages due to atypical clinical symptoms, mainly based on imaging methods. There are many treatments for splenic abscesses, depending on the severity of the disease and individual patient response.
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What is Banti-type splenomegaly?
Banti-type splenomegaly is a pathology of cirrhosis, causing splenomegaly and decreased blood cell counts. If splenectomy is performed when the liver is not yet cirrhotic or mildly cirrhosis will be prevented from progressing to cirrhosis.
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Consequences of hypersplenism due to cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is a disease that progresses silently but causes extremely dangerous complications. Hypersplenism due to cirrhosis is one of the dangerous complications caused by cirrhosis. The disease can cause blood damage to the patient, even life-threatening.
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What is the effect of the spleen?
The spleen is an organ located just below your rib cage on the left side. There are many causes such as infections, liver disease, and some cancers that can cause an enlarged spleen, also known as hypersplenism. Hypersplenism often does not cause symptoms and is only discovered accidentally during a routine health check-up or due to another disease. Therefore, to treat hypersplenism, doctors need to focus on treating the disease that leads to this hypersplenism symptom.
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Ultrasound image of splenomegaly
The spleen is an organ of the body, hidden in the abdomen, just below the rib cage, normally not palpable except in the case of young children, the abdominal wall is flabby. During clinical examination, the dull area of the spleen can only be determined by percussion in the posterior axillary line. In cases where the spleen is enlarged, surpassing the rib margin, the doctor can feel it. Nowadays, thanks to the development of science and technology, ultrasound has helped diagnose more accurately.
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Indications for laparoscopic splenectomy
In cases with abnormal spleen problems, early examination, diagnosis and treatment are needed to avoid the risk of spleen rupture that is life-threatening. Laparoscopic splenectomy is the method indicated for cases of hypersplenism, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, etc.
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Enlarged spleen: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Not only is the spleen part of the immune system, it also plays a role in creating antibodies against bacteria and viruses that attack the body. An enlarged spleen is a sign that the body is infected. The disease often has no obvious symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose.
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How to classify splenomegaly?
Splenomegaly is a symptom found in many diseases such as: liver diseases, blood diseases, diseases of the portal venous system,... Because it is a physical sign with diagnostic value in the above diseases, when performing a clinical examination, it is necessary to pay close attention when diagnosing and grading splenomegaly.
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Spleen rupture: How is it treated?
The spleen is located just below the left rib cage and helps the body fight infections and filter old blood cells in the blood. Although it is surrounded by a tough shell and located quite deep in the abdomen, the rate of spleen rupture due to trauma ranks first among abdominal injuries, with sports accidents, punches to the abdomen, and traffic accidents being the most common causes.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics