Home Tag Sleeping hepatitis B

Articles in Sleeping hepatitis B

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How is sleeping hepatitis B treated?
Hi doctor! Currently, I went to the doctor and the doctor diagnosed me with sleeping hepatitis B. Doctor, is there any cure or treatment for this disease?
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Can dormant hepatitis B be treated to turn negative?
Hi doctor! My husband has inactive hepatitis B for more than 1 year. Doctor let me ask if hepatitis B can be treated to turn negative?
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Hepatitis B can sleep how to prevent and avoid what? How likely is it to infect children and when to have sex?
The doctor asked me, I have been infected with hepatitis B virus, can sleep, how to prevent and abstain from what? How likely is it to infect children and when to have sex? I had an ultrasound and there were no symptoms, everything was normal.
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Both HbsAg and HBeAg are positive, HBV DNA >10^5 and elevated liver enzymes mean chronic dormant hepatitis B?
Hi doctor,! I have chronic hepatitis B, HbsAg and HBeAg are both positive, HBV DNA >10^5, liver enzymes sometimes exceed threshold, sometimes normal. So the doctor asked me, HbsAg and HBeAg are both positive, HBV DNA >10^5 and high liver enzymes are chronic hepatitis B sleeping? Or can it work? Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
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How to treat sleeping hepatitis B?
I went for a blood test at the hospital and was diagnosed with sleeping hepatitis B. The doctor said it was okay and told me to check back every 3 months. So the doctor asked me how to treat hepatitis B when sleeping? Is it dangerous? Thank you doctor.
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