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Articles in Signs of lung cancer

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Low fever, dry cough for 2 weeks is a sign of lung cancer right?
Sốt nhẹ, ho khan hai tuần tưởng chừng là những triệu chứng bình thường nhưng rất có thể đó là dấu hiệu của bệnh ung thư phổi. Hiểu về bệnh là cách tốt nhất giúp bạn thoát khỏi “án tử” ung thư phổi, bảo vệ sức khỏe của mình và người thân.
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5 early signs of lung cancer you need to know
Early signs of lung cancer are rare, and there are no screening tests that detect the disease in its early stages. Therefore, most patients are diagnosed when the cancer has advanced and metastasized in the body. Therefore, people at high risk for lung cancer (current and former smokers) are encouraged to have a low-dose CT lung scan to screen for cancer.
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Types of lung cancer: Differences between men and women
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women. It is by far the leading cause of cancer death in both sexes, accounting for nearly 25% of all cancer deaths.
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Lung cancer should eat and avoid what?
To achieve optimal treatment results, lung cancer patients need to have a scientific and appropriate diet. So what should lung cancer patients eat and avoid? Here are the tips from nutrition experts in the article below.
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Why is lung cancer screening necessary?
Lung cancer is the leading malignancy, the disease has a high mortality rate if detected late. According to Globocan in 2018, the number of new cases of lung cancer in the world was 2.094 million, including 1.8 million deaths. In Vietnam, the number of new cases is 23,667 with 20,710 deaths. Up to 70% of lung cancer patients in Vietnam are diagnosed at a late stage, with difficult treatment and short survival time. Therefore, lung cancer screening plays a very important role in helping to reduce treatment costs, prolong survival and reduce the mortality rate of the disease.
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Signs of lung cancer with bone metastases - treatment prognosis
Lung cancer metastasizes to bone causing pain, negatively affecting patients' daily activities. At this stage, the treatments only help the disease to be in remission, not able to completely destroy the cancer cells.
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