Home Tag Signs of gastric reflux

Articles in Signs of gastric reflux

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Constantly bitter mouth, nausea, is it a sign of gastroesophageal reflux?
I went for an endoscopy, in the result paper it said that it was gastroesophageal reflux. Now, I often have a bitter taste in my mouth, nausea, once an hour later, it is very uncomfortable.
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The saliva is cloudy, the throat looks like there is phlegm when waking up with belching, is it acid reflux?
Hi doctor! Although I clean my teeth before going to bed, when I wake up, my saliva is cloudy and like phlegm in my throat, I also have belching and heartburn. Please ask if the saliva is cloudy, the throat is like sputum when waking up with belching, is it acid reflux? Looking forward to the doctor's advice, thank you!
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics