Home Tag Signs of early puberty

Articles in Signs of early puberty

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Hormone injections to prevent early puberty: What parents need to know
Con gái mới 5 tuổi nhưng đã có dấu hiệu ngực to, con trai đã biết ngượng vì “cậu nhỏ” lớn bất thường. Đó là những dấu hiệu trẻ bị dậy thì sớm, cha mẹ cần cho trẻ đi khám càng sớm càng tốt để được điều trị.
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If you have an early period, can you still grow taller?
At the age of 9 and a half, he had a protruding breast and gained weight rapidly and at the age of 10 and 8 months, he started to have periods and had vaginal mucus. I want to ask the doctor if such a baby is called precocious puberty? And are you shorter than your peers as an adult? And at what age do you stop growing? And if I'm menstruating, can my height still grow a lot and what can I do to help my child maximize height during this period?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics