Home Tag Severe stomach pain

Articles in Severe stomach pain

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Severe abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea after fasting for 1 day, what's wrong?
After fasting for 1 day, the stomach often has severe pain, sometimes constipation, sometimes diarrhea, but sometimes the pain goes up and down. The doctor asked me if I had severe abdominal pain, when I was constipated, when I had diarrhea, what was wrong with fasting for 1 day? I thank you doctor.
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Severe abdominal pain after gallbladder stone surgery?
I had gallstone surgery 3 months ago. Recently, I often have severe abdominal pain that lasts about 30 minutes or 1 hour and then it goes away. The doctor told me that severe abdominal pain after gallstone surgery is okay? Are stones recurrent? Thank you.
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Miscarriage symptoms: Warning signs and risk factors
Thông thường, các triệu chứng sảy thai sẽ trở nên tồi tệ hơn khi quá trình sảy thai tiến triển theo hướng tiêu cực. Khi đó, một số dấu hiệu như chảy máu, chuột rút sẽ trở nên nghiêm trọng hơn. Vì vậy, nhận định được các yếu tố nguy cơ cũng như nguyên nhân gây sảy thai sẽ giúp cho bác sĩ và bà mẹ tìm được phương án hỗ trợ kịp thời.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics