Home Tag Screening for stomach cancer

Articles in Screening for stomach cancer

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People with blood type A should be screened for stomach cancer early, correct or not?
Theo công bố của tổ chức ghi nhận ung thư toàn cầu (IARC), mỗi năm có khoảng 870.000 người mới mắc, 650.000 người chết do ung thư dạ dày. Có nhiều quan điểm cho rằng người có nhóm máu A sẽ có nguy cơ mắc ung thư dạ dày cao hơn, vậy quan điểm này có chính xác hay không?
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Pepsinogen quantification in non-invasive gastric cancer screening
Stomach cancer is a common disease, with the second leading cause of death in the world. The early diagnosis and treatment of stomach cancer will help improve the mortality rate in patients. Currently, the pepsinogen test is the noninvasive screening solution used for risk assessment and early detection of gastric cancer in at-risk patients.
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The most effective way to screen for stomach cancer
Stomach cancer screening is a matter of great interest because this is the most common type of cancer among gastrointestinal cancers. Around the world, every year, about 600,000 - 700,000 new cases of stomach cancer are detected. It is the second most common cause of cancer death worldwide.
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When do you need stomach cancer screening?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2018, stomach cancer is the most common cancer, after liver cancer and lung cancer in frequency, accounting for 10% of all cancers.
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