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Articles in Psychology - Mental

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Are there any side effects of long-term use of anti-anxiety medication?
Hi doctor! I am currently suffering from an anxiety disorder, I went to a routine examination at a neurologist's office, and was prescribed the following anxiety disorder medications: Zoloft 50mg twice a day 2 times each time. 1 tablet (morning - evening) Wazer Citalopram 20mg 2 times a day 1 tablet (morning - evening) Amitriptylin 25mg twice daily morning 1 tablet - evening 2 tablets ) Piracetam 800mg 2 times each time 1 tablet (morning - dark ) Small purple pill with the letter U
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How to increase sexual desire in women?
Ask Hello doctor! I don't have any sexual desire and I don't feel anything when having sex. So the doctor asked me why I don't have that feeling and how to increase the feeling of sexual desire in women? I am 24 years old this year, looking forward to the doctor's advice and answers!
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How to treat depression in young people?
Hello doctor, I am 20 years old. Recently I have a lot of pressure in life, these days I feel tired, depressed, not interested in everything.
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