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Articles in Poisoned

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Uses of Actidose
Actidose or activated charcoal is a drug in the detoxification group. However, the use and safety of the drug needs to be carefully examined. Hopefully the following information will help you understand and limit the dangers of taking Actidose.
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Uses of Cevita 100
Cevita 100 belongs to the group of vitamins and minerals. Drugs used to prevent and treat scurvy or cases where vitamin C supplementation is required. Follow the article below to know what is Cevita 100mg and in what cases is it indicated?
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Dull abdominal pain accompanied by loose stools is a sign of what disease?
I just started having abdominal pain from 2 days ago, when I started feeling dull pain in the abdomen. In the afternoon, after I took digestive enzymes, I began to have severe pain, especially around the navel. After that, he vomited once, the pain moved to the area below the navel, gradually lightened but not completely, every time he moved or had a strong abdominal contraction, the pain was mild, when he ate, he did not feel much pain, defecated. liquid stools. I went for an X-ray and an ultrasound of the abdomen, but the doctor said it was not clear what the disease was. Doctor let me ask, dull abdominal pain accompanied by loose stools is a sign of what disease? What medicine should I take to relieve the pain?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics