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Longo surgery to remove ring hemorrhoids
Longo surgery is currently one of the most commonly used methods to treat hemorrhoids. This method can be applied to both internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids, especially it is considered the most optimal method in treating ring hemorrhoids.
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Do 3rd degree internal hemorrhoids need surgery?
Internal hemorrhoids are one of the problems that many people face due to poor diet and lifestyle. This has a significant impact on health and quality of life. Internal hemorrhoids are divided into 4 different levels, if you are at level 3, it means the disease is in a severe stage.
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Signs of mild hemorrhoids in the early stages
Hemorrhoids are the most common disease among colorectal diseases in our country with the rate of 35-50%. Although hemorrhoids are not dangerous, they can lead to other complications, greatly affecting the patient's life and work. Therefore, early recognition of mild hemorrhoids in the early stages is extremely important to promptly treat definitively, avoiding the disease progression.
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Rectal prolapse in children: Treatment and prevention of recurrence
Sa trực tràng ở trẻ em dân gian thường gọi là lòi dom, là tình trạng thoát xuống của phần trên trực tràng qua hậu môn để ra ngoài. Sa trực tràng thường gặp ở trẻ em dưới 3 tuổi và người lớn trên 50 tuổi.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics