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Tag Ovulation day
Articles in Ovulation day
Can having too much sex affect your chances of conceiving?
Having too much sex can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Because it takes three months for a man's sperm to produce new sperm. So having sex too often can prevent your body from producing enough sperm for each ejaculation. Is this really true?
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Egg broth ultrasound is transducer or abdominal ultrasound
Ovulation ultrasound is a meaningful method in assisted reproduction. This method helps predict ovulation to increase the wife's chance of pregnancy. Therefore, ovulation ultrasound often uses the method of probe ultrasound or abdominal ultrasound.
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How to calculate the day of ovulation - how many days to ovulate?
Each person's menstrual cycle is different, so many people wonder what day of ovulation is a 40-day menstrual cycle? What day of ovulation is a 32-day menstrual cycle? How many days after ovulation do you get your period?
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What should I do to increase my chances of getting pregnant?
Modern society has caused many changes in people's habits and lifestyles, especially the issue of late marriage and childbirth. Older pregnancy age and external influences will make natural pregnancy difficult. So what should be done to increase the chance of pregnancy?
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How do I know if my menstrual cycle is safe for contraception?
Menstrual cycle plays a very important role in women's reproductive health. Especially for those who have regular menstrual cycle, this is also the golden key to help them rely on menstrual cycle to effectively avoid pregnancy, avoiding situations that go against their wishes.
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How to track ovulation?
Nowadays, many couples who are looking forward to having a baby often choose to calculate ovulation to conceive. However, if you do not calculate ovulation to conceive correctly, it will not only be ineffective but also make the couple more stressed.
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What are the symptoms of ovulation?
Ovulation is a part of the menstrual cycle that occurs when an egg is released from the ovary. When an egg is released, it may or may not be fertilized by sperm. Knowing “what are the signs of ovulation?” will help women more easily conceive or avoid pregnancy safely.
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When is ovulation during a menstrual cycle?
Until now, many women still do not know "what is ovulation day?" or "when is ovulation?". In fact, when entering the ovulation days, cervical mucus will be secreted more, in some cases there may be light bleeding, lower abdominal pain, and breast tightness.
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Can You Get Pregnant If You Have Sex 7 Days Before or After Your Period?
When having sex without using any birth control methods, many people worry about the possibility of getting pregnant. What is the likelihood of getting pregnant if you have sex 7 days before or after your period? And when is the best time to have sex to maximize the chance of getting pregnant? This article will provide answers to these questions.
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How to know exactly when ovulated?
For those who are looking forward to having children, the main concern is when they ovulate. In each menstrual cycle, ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle and the ability to conceive only occurs about 6 days (5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation). So, what are the ways to know the exact day of ovulation?
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