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Articles in Nourish veins

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Central venous access from peripheral veins, feeding and treatment of neonatal pathology
Placing a long line to the central vein from the periphery helps to nourish the veins in newborns, especially premature babies, as well as to treat venous diseases of relatively small children. This method is mainly used in emergency resuscitation.
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Newborn feeding at Vinmec by placing umbilical vein catheters
Umbilical vein catheterization, also known as neonatal umbilical vein catheterization, is a technique used in emergency resuscitation of newborns or premature infants to provide nutrition, as well as infuse medications and fluids.
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Intravenous nutrition in premature neonates
Premature babies must be fed intravenously to provide nutrients to nourish their bodies, instead of being fed through the digestive tract in cases where they cannot eat orally.
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Neonatal intravenous feeding
Nutrients such as glucose, proteins and fats when given directly into the blood through a vein is called parenteral nutrition. This is an alternative method of feeding premature babies with immature digestive systems or serious illnesses.
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Placement of a central venous catheter (central venous catheter)
The choice of central venous catheter placement depends on the indication, anatomy, and other patient factors. In clinical practice, central venous catheter placement is a necessary procedure, especially in intensive care units.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics