Home Tag Myocardial ischemia

Articles in Myocardial ischemia

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Uses of H vacolaren
The drug H-Vacolaren 20mg has the main ingredient Trimetazidin.2HCl. The drug is indicated as an adjunct to or as an adjunct to therapy. It is useful in the symptomatic treatment of patients with stable angina that is inadequately controlled or intolerant to other therapies.
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Management of acute chest pain
Chest pain often makes patients feel panic and urge to see a doctor. Diagnosing the cause of acute chest pain or treating the pain is never easy, even potentially dangerous diseases that can lead to death if not detected and treated promptly.
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Taking medicine for tricuspid regurgitation 2/4 and ischemic heart failure does not need to be checked again?
Hi doctor! I went to the hospital, the doctor concluded that I had 2/4 tricuspid valve regurgitation and ischemic heart disease. The doctor gave me 14 days of medication for an appointment, but after taking the medicine, I did not feel better.
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Atypical manifestations of angina pectoris
Atypical angina differs from typical angina in the absence of all the signs of an ischemic heart attack. Symptoms of atypical angina can range from a dull, sharp pain to watery eyes or present as shortness of breath or back pain.
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Middle chest pain: What you need to know
Đau tức giữa ngực là một cảm giác gặp khá nhiều trong cộng đồng, nhất là ở người lớn tuổi và có nguy cơ bệnh mạch vành. Đây là một triệu chứng báo trước của nhiều biến cố tim mạch nguy hiểm. Cần trang bị những kiến thức về đau tức ngực, định hướng xử trí kịp thời, đúng đắn để bảo vệ sức khỏe cho chính mình và người thân.
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Diagnostic criteria for myocardial ischemia
Coronary artery failure leading to myocardial ischemia can be chronic (chronic coronary syndrome) or acute (acute coronary syndrome). Diagnosis of myocardial ischemia is usually based on clinical symptoms and biochemical blood tests as well as cardiac imaging.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics