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Articles in MedicinesFunctional foods

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Vitamin A can cause poisoning if used in the wrong way
Vitamin A (also known as retinol) is an essential substance for humans belonging to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. In some foods of animal origin, the main form of vitamin A is retinol, but can also exist as retinal or as retinoic acid.
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How to take vitamin A?
I am 40 years old, 2 years ago, I often had an itch and felt like something was blocking my vision. I went to the doctor, the doctor said I had dry eyes and prescribed medicine for me to drink. Then a friend told me that if I had dry eyes, taking vitamin A would be very good. Since then, I sometimes buy vitamin A to drink. Can I take this medicine, please? Thank you!Nguyen Bich Hong (Bac Ninh)
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Medicines that must not be broken or crushed when taking
(SKDS) - In fact, many people have arbitrarily crushed the pill or broken the pill in half or opened the capsule to get the powder or pill inside to make it easier to swallow. This happens more often when the drug is given to children and the elderly. Doing so not only reduces the quality of the drug's treatment, but it can also lead to drug-related complications. The following are some forms of medicine that need to be taken as a whole:
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Some notes when giving medicine to children
Unless the child is hospitalized, the administration of medication is left to the parents. Many people worry that: how much should children drink and how should they drink?
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5 principles of safe antibiotic use
Antibiotics are a turning point in the history of human medicine, helping to save the lives of millions of people suffering from infectious diseases. However, antibiotic resistance is increasing dangerously to the health and development of the community. Notably, the use of antibiotics in our country has skyrocketed in the period 2009-2015 with an increase of nearly 3 times compared to the period 2005-2009, putting Vietnam on the list of countries with the highest rate of antibiotic resistance. world. “Stop overuse of antibiotics - Join hands today” with 5 principles of antibiotic use below
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Stomach pain should not eat?
Stomach pain is considered a common disease today, causing dull pain, along with indigestion, bloating, nausea, ... clinging to you every day, making you tired and exhausted. . One of the reasons why stomach pain develops is your daily diet.
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Learn about peptic ulcer disease
Peptic ulcer disease is a common disease in most people. In the stage of newly discovered peptic ulcer disease, the disease can be completely cured, however, when the ulcer disease becomes chronic, the treatment of this disease will face many difficulties. can easily cause undesirable side effects.
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How to effectively treat stomach ulcers?
Stomach ulcers are becoming a nightmare for many people because this disease will leave many dangerous complications that you cannot expect if not treated promptly. In this article, the doctors of Vinmec International General Hospital will help you learn how to effectively treat stomach ulcers.
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Frequently asked questions for cardiovascular patients
Two seasoned Cardiologists from Vinmec International Hospital, Dr. France Olive Bertrand and Dr. Nguyen Bang Phong, will answer frequently asked questions with heart patients.
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Effective treatments for arrhythmias
Cardiac arrhythmias appear more and more common and tend to be younger, if not detected in time, the patient can be in danger of life. So how to treat arrhythmia, medical intervention? Let's find out together in this article.
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Brain stroke and what you need to know
Đột quị não là một bệnh xảy ra khi cung cấp máu một bộ phận não bị đột ngột ngừng.Trước đây đột quị não còn được gọi là tai biến mạch máu não.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics